OK, following my previous post about this contest, right now (21/01/2014 22:21) I’ve received 2 submission. I’m still waiting for the others.
Come guys :)
1. Twitter: @shadows003 | IG: rahmankurniadi | Class: XII RPL 3
Lens choice: Wide/Macro Lens
Blog Entry: READY FOR #WIKUFEST2014 PRIZE FROM @nurikidy :)))
2. Twitter: @ilhamapp | IG: ilhamapp | Class: ???
Lens choice: Wide/Macro Lens
Blog post: I Choose Wide / Macro Lense , And Why I Deserve That Lense?
3. Twitter: @daniarpradanas | IG: ???? | Class: 2 TKJ 1
Lens choice: Fish Eye Lens
Blog post: #wikufest2014 free lenses? I’ll get it
4. Twitter: @HattaZaka | IG: ???? | Class: XI RPL 2
Lens choice: Fish Eye Lens
Blog post:
– Holiday
– Expression one day before #wikufest2014 be held :D
5. Twitter: @devi_ephi | IG: | Class: ???
Lens: Wide/Macro Lens
Blog post: I want that wide lens
finally we have a lady in the list :) I’m just thinking if i move a bit to the left, still low angle, it would be nice6.
6. Twitter: @afi031 | IG:??? | class: XIIRPL3
Lens: Wide/Macro Lens
Blog post: Macro/Wide Lens !!! I want it !!! :D @nurikidy
It seems the girls has better way on making the picture composition. Leading lines style :) Very nice
7. Twitter: @vinanunenops | IG:pinaah | class: XI TKJ 1
Lens: Wide/Macro
Blog Post: Giveaway, yay!!
8. Twitter: @rheinitaCN | IG: | Class: XI RPL 1
Lens: Wide/Macro Lens
Macro Lens
9. Atika Hilyati
Twitter: @atkhilya | IG: atkhilya| Class: 2 RPL 3
Lens: Wide/Macro Lens
10. Intania Ma’rifatus Syifa
Twitter: @intaniasyifa | IG: | Class: XITKJ1
Lens: Wide/Macro Lens
Mas Nuri Photo Contest on #wikufest3 ^^
Sometimes, photo composition is all about simplicity. It might be old and dirty, it’s not so much about the shoes, but the person wearing them
11. Rifqi Paramita
Twitter: @ribekkk | IG:ribekkk | Class: XI RPL 2
Lens: Wide/Macro Lens
Getting Excited for Photo Contest on #Wikufest3 :)
12. Reno Dwi Gustavino
Twitter: @RenoLaks | IG: | Class: XITKJ3
Lens: Wide/Macro Lens
Maybe this will be a story to remember
13. Junita Pristi
Twitter: @junitapristi| IG: | class: XI RPL 2
Lens: Fish Eye
Blog: Shoot Your Unforgettable Moment #wikufest2014
14. Anggi Yuniar Putri
Twitter: @anggiebel | IG: | Class: XITKJ2
Lens: Fish Eye
Blog: Wikufest 3!!
14. Zahua Mahira
Twitter: @ZahuaMahira | IG: | Class: 2 TKJ 1
Lens: Fish Eye
Blog: Shoot with My Handpone about AWESOME moment #wikufest3 #wikufest2014
thank you, im in XI TKJ 2 :)
saya dari kelas 2 TKJ 3 mas. ig saya @deviephi :)
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