AFI-3 Pre-Elimination

AFI-3 Preslimination stage has just begun tonight. I dont care who will be eliminated. All system are OK. There’s no problem at all except we got a “blackout” at Atrium DataCenter. I dont know the dumb ass who choosed that building as data center. That building is completely not save, specially from flood.

Alhamdulillah it’s just temporary. The real data center in TB Simatupang has completely finished. Datacomm people no busy setting up the network element and everything needed. Hope end of this year all machines at GSI can be moved to TB Simatupang. Also my machine in Atrium should be moved to TBS too.

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About nuri

Hi, i am Nuri. Just another IT guy working on fintech and telco at Jakarta, Indonesia. While tech stuff became my daily breakfast, i also love to travel around the globe and taking photos also. I DJ on my spare time while dealing with any mess my 9 cats made at home :)