Meutya & Budiyanto Update

Seperti yang udah kita ketahui bersama, 2 reporter MetroTV hilang di Iraq setelah diculik oleh sebuah kelompok bersenjata 15 Februari lalu. Mereka adalah Meutia Hafidz serta kamerawan Budiyanto.

Para penculik melalui rekaman video menuntut Pemerintah Indonesia menjelaskan peran dan alasan kehadiran dua wartawan itu di Irak. Semua pihak mulai dari MetroTV sendiri, tokoh-tokoh muslim Indonesia hingga Presiden RI termasuk juga masyarakat internasional telah berusaha untuk mengupayakan pembebasan kedua reporter tersebut.

Menurut BBC news hari ini, kedua warga Indonesia tersebut telah dibebaskan tanpa syarat apapun.

Alhamdulillah …

Semoga Meutya dan Budiyanto segera dapat pulang kembali ke Indonesia dan berada kembali ke keluarga masing-masing tanpa kurang suatu apapun.

“Indonesian reporter Meutya Hafid and cameraman Budiyanto were abducted last week on a road from Jordan to Baghdad.

A member of the Committee of Muslim Scholars, Iraq’s leading Sunni organisation, also said the pair had been released.

“The two Indonesians have been freed and will be transferred to the headquarters of the committee in Baghdad, where they will have the choice of going to their embassy or leaving Iraq,” said the man, who was not named in news reports.

The video broadcast on the journalists’ own Indonesian TV channel, Metro TV, showed the captors saying: “We are going to release them without any condition. God is greatest.”

An official at the Indonesian embassy in Baghdad said they had been told of the journalists’ apparent release and were trying to establish their whereabouts. “ BBC News

A still from the video allegedly showing two missing Indonesian journalists and their captors
Picture taken from BBC News

Meutya Vidya Hafid (lahir di Bandung, 3 Mei 1978) adalah seorang wartawan Metro TV. Di Metro TV, Meutya membawakan berita serta menjadi presenter di beberapa acara seperty e-Lifestyle bergantian dgn Roy Suryo setiap pekannya.

Hi Roy (tm) ^_^

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About nuri

Hi, i am Nuri. Just another IT guy working on fintech and telco at Jakarta, Indonesia. While tech stuff became my daily breakfast, i also love to travel around the globe and taking photos also. I DJ on my spare time while dealing with any mess my 9 cats made at home :)