Today, Bangkok

Will be in Bangkok e.t.a 5 pm localtime. I’m having a traning about Local Roaming Number (LRN). Taking my D40x but leave my T60 at home :p
Hehehe, I think this is my first time going abroad without a Thinkpad in my backpack. I dont even bring any backpack :p I’m 2.5kg lighter hehehehe.
Unfortunatelly, my user just called, she want to launch a chrismast event end of this week. Hello, i’ve already ask about this since 2 months ago. Also reminded it again couple weeks to submit and finalize everything on first week of November. Why u call me 5 days before lauch date. Huhuhu they dont even informe me about timeline/schedule. The operational people will complain to my departement if they’re bypassed again. And now, cant do much without my Thinkpad hehehe :p And I’m not in the mood working after office hour from internet cafe. Wanna go hunting pictures. But I’ll fix your mess on friday. Ok? :p
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About nuri

Hi, i am Nuri. Just another IT guy working on fintech and telco at Jakarta, Indonesia. While tech stuff became my daily breakfast, i also love to travel around the globe and taking photos also. I DJ on my spare time while dealing with any mess my 9 cats made at home :)

4 thoughts on “Today, Bangkok

  1. have a nice day @bangkok…
    try to visit Golden Palace! A must see sightseeing :)

  2. waduhhh sori banget derry
    gue ga sempet motret ladyboy yg jadi favorit kamu hehehehehe
    abis maennya cuman ke MBK ama dari satu vihara ke vihara laen :p
    lagian elo obsesi ama cw normal aja napa siy ? *siyul2 maem cumi bakar asam manis khas thailand*

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