
Tambelan archipelago is a group of islands off the west coast of West Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia, just north of the equator, separated but sometimes considered part of the Natuna Islands of Riau Islands Province. It consists of other archipelagoes, namely Badas Islands. (Kepulauan Badas). Major islands include Tambelan Besar, Mendarik, Uwi, Benua, Pejantan. 


click on here to see the image in real size

click on here to see the image in real size

click on here to see the image in real size

click on here to see the image in real size

and Finally … bigger picture from Google Earth

click on here to see the image in real size

and she’ s going there to be a dentist, for the next 12 months …. :(

so far away in the middle of the ocean ….

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About nuri

Hi, i am Nuri. Just another IT guy working on fintech and telco at Jakarta, Indonesia. While tech stuff became my daily breakfast, i also love to travel around the globe and taking photos also. I DJ on my spare time while dealing with any mess my 9 cats made at home :)

6 thoughts on “Tambelan

  1. Yaudah Nuy relakan dan ikhlashkan,
    yang penting itu doanya. Terus satu lagi, seteleh 12 bulan yaudah nikah gih!

    NKK – NUY KAPAN KAWIIINN! (Ngkoh aja udah)
    *eiya, sebaiknya larii..*

  2. @Nuy
    Iyah aku pribadi sih takut tapi yg membuat lebih khawatir lagi karena anak dan istri juga disini. Kemaren ada ajang tembak di Langsa, terus rumah mantan petinggi GAM, muzakir manaf, di Granat. Terus sehari yg lalu biro rektor Unsyiah dibakar orang tak dikenal.

    Entahlah, mungkin istri diungsikan aja ya ke kampung (medan).

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