Everything I Own

You sheltered me from harm.
Kept me warm, kept me warm
You gave my life to me
Set me free, set me free
The finest years I ever knew
Were all the years I had with you

I would give anything I own,
Give up me life, my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own,
Just to have you once again.

You taught me how to love,
What its of, what its of.
You never said too much,
But still you showed the way,
And I knew from watching you.
Nobody else could ever know
The part of me that cant let go.

I would give anything I own,
Give up me life, my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own
Just to have you once again.
Just to have you once again.

Is there someone you know,
Youre loving them so,
But taking them all for granted.
You may lose them one day,
Someone takes them away,
And they dont hear the words you long to say

I would give anything I own,
Give up me life, my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own
Just to have.

OST Bandslam
I Can't Go On; I'll Go On
Vanessa Hudgens

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About nuri

Hi, i am Nuri. Just another IT guy working on fintech and telco at Jakarta, Indonesia. While tech stuff became my daily breakfast, i also love to travel around the globe and taking photos also. I DJ on my spare time while dealing with any mess my 9 cats made at home :)

5 thoughts on “Everything I Own

  1. Спасибо за тему… Радует одно – что остались в инете еще более ли менее не зафлуженные блоги, на которых можно лицезреть интересную информацию и увидеть человеческие обсуждения.

  2. Лучшая инфа которую я прочел за последние несколько дней. Очень актуально. Спасибо

  3. вы смотрели как, Железнодорожник победил Спартак ?! был классный матч ! :D

  4. Как-то непонятно изложено… Кто-нибудь понял суть этой статьи ?

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