I had new toy (literally it’s a toy)
It’s called Danbo (short of Danboard) from comic Yotsuba&!
And I like it, it’s very cute to be photo object :)
This is virtual conversation series between Danbo and @alcatrazia Neng Ocha neechan
@alcatrazia ocha nee-chan, ohiru ni irete yo -#danbo having lunch- @mi_mi_mia @aniseddit
@nurikidy #danbo wa nani o tabe ka? sashimi? ramen? sushi? nee-chan mo tabe.. #ngaco =))
nee-chan, nani kore? @alcatrazia @megamagie @amoy04
@nurikidy #danbo sore wa edamameee….? :-S cc @megamagie @amoy04
@alcatrazia nee-chan, edamame no yona ichi. #danbo wa suki desu. Oishii ne!! @alcatrazia @aniseddit
diracunin #danbo n #sushi sama @nurikidy & bu dokter @rara79 (–“) atashi moooo, sushi o tabetai… :'(
hehehehheehehe :D