[#31DaysOfDecember] 28 – #Room41


We have a room called #Room41 in City Plaza 11th floor. It’s a working room, an entertainment room, a meditation room, and the worst of all it is also unofficial smoking room :(

Since i put some of my toy collection + drawing paper and some color pens in there, it’s also functioned as kindergarten room. Kang Rudy or Adhep sometimes bring their “toys” also, then it is became something like a hacker-space.

The drawing above made by Tata. She’s around 5-6 years old, a very nice and funny little princess :) That’s a precious drawing. Planned to put it on a frame but the cleaning service took it away *@!*$)!%)


my Danbo and Fay’s Baymax


i was in the middle of arguing with vendor when my team and my boss suddenly bring a cake inside the room. Now that’s a big surprise for me :) I keep a piece of the cake’s box.


well, it’s danbo anyway :)


meditating, hihihi ;D


well, meditating + entertainment room :)

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