Submit blog via SMS. Why not ?

Blogger APIWhat do you think about that ? I have think about that since the first day i registered my self to July 4th, 2004 (US Independece Day :P). Blogger Developers Network section catched my attention. Coz I’m a developer too hehehehehhehe. I’ve read the whole section. Atom and the API is interesting, but that’s not what I was looking for. It is Blogger APIBlogger API. This API is the thing I need to realize my plan. This API also I believe is being used by blogger client like w.bloggar to everything you type in the bloggar form to your blog site without login directly to Although that API will not be supported anymore by team coz they’ll now developing new robust API along with another blogging industry, Blogger API is the basic. That’s the point. And of course, I hope the new API can be published as soon as it finished. I’m waiting for that, coz there’s more than 80 blog provider have joined to make it happen. Open standard API for 23 Polls to XHP – eXpandable Home Page, including blogger.comBlogger, LiveJournal, HaloScan Commenting and so on.

The Blogger APIBlogger API is currently implemented for XML-RPC. There may be others some day.

These are the available methods:
blogger.newPost: Makes a new post to a designated blog. Optionally, will publish the blog after making the post.
blogger.editPost: Edits a given post. Optionally, will publish the blog after making the edit.
blogger.getUsersBlogs: Returns information on all the blogs a given user is a member of.
blogger.getUserInfo: Authenticates a user and returns basic user info (name, email, userid, etc.).
blogger.getTemplate: Returns the main or archive index template of a given blog.
blogger.setTemplate: Edits the main or archive index template of a given blog.

Hmmm, hehehehhehehehe *grin*. Later I could posting my blog anywhere without connecting to the internet :)

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About nuri

Hi, i am Nuri. Just another IT guy working on fintech and telco at Jakarta, Indonesia. While tech stuff became my daily breakfast, i also love to travel around the globe and taking photos also. I DJ on my spare time while dealing with any mess my 9 cats made at home :)