SALIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where have you been man ??? Ahahahahahahaha, finally i met my old buddy at friendster. He’s one of my first “crazy” friends from Surabaya. First time we met he’s still registered as ITS Student together with ‘liek, ferry kbh-rx, yiyit the komandan. Aahahahahaha. He was chief of student organization of SMA 2 Sby (if i’m not mistaken). Cool guy.

Back to 1997, I went to surabaya to meet my IRC friends. Yup, it’s them plus my schoolmate Ferry Hermawan. After waiting for Dondy at Tunjungan Plaza, we go to Salim’s Highschool for sholat Maghrib. Next trip is soto gebrak at Jl. Ciliwung, next to Yusra Bezita’s house. She’s not at home on that time. After taking first round dinner, we continue to karaoke.

Hehehehe, Salim was the Event Organizer. But coz some of us looked like underage (specially me), Salim had to leave his ID card for assurance. Hehehehe, well he’s “Ketua OSIS” :P OK, then choosing the songs. Our list made the karaoke operator confuse. We’re choosing Eno Lerian’s songs such as Nyamuk-Nyamuk Nakal, Dakocan, Semua Ada Di Sini. And of course Dangdut, special request from Yiyit. After karaoke, we’re takin dinner. Again. It’s second round dinner.

The menu still soto, but different place. Soto gubeng. Located at Jl. Gubeng, next to Gubeng train station and Submarine Monument. I really miss that moment. We’re getting fun together, singin in the middle of the road like dunk people (we’re not drunk at all coz we dunk only hot tea and milk soda :P). There’s no vehicle at that time :P

Yiyit, Dondy, Salim are now at Jakarta. What a small world ….

Nyamuk-Nyamuk Nakal
-Eno Lerian

Banyak nyamuk dirumahku
Gara-gara kamu
Malas bersih-bersih
Banyak semut dirumahku
Gara-gara kamu
Malas bersih-bersih
Banyak nyamuk
Banyak semut
Aduh mama aku jadi susah tidur
Nyamuk-nyamuk nakal
Lalat lalat nakal
Sukanya menggoda aku
Tikus-tikus nakal
lalat lalat nakal
Sukanya membikin kotor
Banyak nyamuk dirumahku
Gara-gara aku
Malas bersih-bersih
Banyak semut dirumahku
Gara-gara aku
Malas bersih-bersih
Dikamarku banyak nyamuk
Dikamarku banyak semut
Aduh mama aku jadi susah tidur

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About nuri

Hi, i am Nuri. Just another IT guy working on fintech and telco at Jakarta, Indonesia. While tech stuff became my daily breakfast, i also love to travel around the globe and taking photos also. I DJ on my spare time while dealing with any mess my 9 cats made at home :)