FreeBSD on AlphaServer

Lagi asyik experimen set-up FreeBSD 4.10 di mesin Compaq AlphaServer DS10. Hehehehehehe moga moga sukses deh. Jadi biar bisa dipake production juga :) Soale sebelumbta gagal total masang FreeBSD di mesin Sparc Sun E220R :)

Case kali ini asal sukses install, set-up jaringan, pasang aplikasi2 kaya di mesin FreeBSD intel ama test running aplikasinya. Kalo sukses, di hajar pake hits tinggi OK, baru deh ngacak-ngacak kernel ama filesystemnya untuk hard tuning :)

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About nuri

Hi, i am Nuri. Just another IT guy working on fintech and telco at Jakarta, Indonesia. While tech stuff became my daily breakfast, i also love to travel around the globe and taking photos also. I DJ on my spare time while dealing with any mess my 9 cats made at home :)