Just an update

Hmmm, semua notifikasi berjalan lancar. So aku tahu kalo via SMS kalo Rara dah bikin 1 update hari ini dan 1 update kemarin malam :) Shoutboxnya dah gue rubah ke shoutbox bikinan ndiri ala nuy. Next mo ubah commenting systemnya. Gampang bgt sih bikin commenting system, tinggal modifikasi shoutbox doang :)

just adding 1 field in database and 1 field in query syntax :)

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About nuri

Hi, i am Nuri. Just another IT guy working on fintech and telco at Jakarta, Indonesia. While tech stuff became my daily breakfast, i also love to travel around the globe and taking photos also. I DJ on my spare time while dealing with any mess my 9 cats made at home :)