Hi, i am Nuri. Just another IT guy working on fintech and telco at Jakarta, Indonesia. While tech stuff became my daily breakfast, i also love to travel around the globe and taking photos also. I DJ on my spare time while dealing with any mess my 9 cats made at home :)
22 December is celebrated as Mother’s Day in Indonesia. In many countries, the date is changed to fit each country’s culture, tradition, custom or existing holidays.
Today, mothers-mothers to be-mothers wanna be in City Plaza are celebrating it with this photo session :)
Happy Mother’s Day
busted! :P
That’s all.
I’ll share the rest of the photo via dropbox, Ladies :)
All in good conditions and complete set with box etc, better check your self :) You can email me at nuri dot abidin at gmail dot com or Line-me/mention me in twitter @nurikidy
Nikon D600 & Nikkor Lenses
It’s hard, but I’m using my Fuji more and practically this FX Nikon only used for photo studio only. D600 will be a package with 3rd party battery grip and additional battery. Lenses are sold separately.
wide angle AF-D 24/2.8
wide angle AF-D 24/2.8
AF-D 50/1.4
AF-D 50/1.4
AF-D 50/1.4
AF-D 55-200 DX
Fujifilm X-100s
4 continents, many immigration stamps in my passport, 1 camera. Including hoods, leather case, 2 additional batteries.
Traktor Kontrol Z1
IDR 1.8 mio full set in very very mint condition :)
macbook air is not included :) it’s sold separately :)
What is happiness?
It could be something complex but also something pretty simple.
In my case, seeing and furthermore helping people around you -your friends, your family, your loved ones- to be happy. See those smile, laughter and expressions that cant be described on their face :)
Being in a place they’ve dreamed to be, jumping around with their fave artist or having simple dinner with a little surprise. I like (making) surprises :)
And tonight we’re having it. Simple dinner and a little not so fancy surprise for my brother Decy.
Nah, i think this is his best birthday ever. Why?
He had a wedding in his birthday, got a wife as his birthday present :P
Anyway, once again happy birthday to you, Bro.
We’ve written the wishes in the cards last night but i think it wont be enough. So wish all the best for you and your new family. We’re always be on your side.
To Beatrice, happy weeding. Nitip Decy yah :) Kami nunggu ponakan-ponakan lucu dari kalian \^_^/
It is raining very hard here in Jakarta.
Practically cannot go home unless i want to be completely soaking wet riding motorcycle -_-
Friday night + rain = traffic hell.
But Danbo always can make you smile :)
D: Ini buat saya? Wahhh terima kasih ^_^ — Nope, sharing D: ….
D: Wah sepertinya enak — Tentu, ini raspberry + mango
D: waaa, aku lhoo suka ama mango, eh raspberry saya juga mau. — kamu ini maunya selalu banyak :)
D: saya mau nyobain! — boleh
D: Yang mana dulu yah? Mango enak, raspberry enak. Waaah, enak semua — behave, pake sendoknya. jangan maruk seperti itu. hati-hati.
D: Dih, pelit. Saya kan mo nyobain dikit. Eh agak banyak sih — …
Tanggal 18 Desember kemarin adalah kick off inisiatif Kompor Budaya untuk direktorat IT. Mengambil tema IT JOSS (Jumat Obrolan Sore Santai) -eh? kenapa hari Kamis yah jadinya?- dan bertempat di City Plaza, kami coba berkumpul untuk membuat sedikit kehebohan sekaligus break lah dari kesibukan rutinitas yang ada.
Hey, we deserve to have some fun… more often :)
Berikut ini beberapa foto yang sempat saya sambil selama acara. Ada penampilan dari masing-masing sub-direktorat yang cukup mengocok perut :D
Seharian ini meeting dan diskusi di ruangan bos. Ruangan ini pemandangannya lumayan bagus kalo menjelang malam. Menjelang maghrib dapat foto seperti ini pake LG G2 :)
Now let’s have some old beats :) Jangan lupa tanggal 18 Januari nanti mereka manggung di Jakarta lho :)