About nuri

Hi, i am Nuri. Just another IT guy working on fintech and telco at Jakarta, Indonesia. While tech stuff became my daily breakfast, i also love to travel around the globe and taking photos also. I DJ on my spare time while dealing with any mess my 9 cats made at home :)

Bon retour au Paris

About a decade ago I spent almost a month at Paris. For business trip. Still remember how we rush every morning to catch trains to Anthony. Since we lived around Porte Maillot (zone 1), it need about 1 hour+ to be at Rue Jacques Rueff, Anthony (zone 4).

Around 19h afternoon, we’d be back to zone 1. Usually I will spent the night wandering around St Germain or Quarter Latin, usually with Mas Hanny. The rest of the group choose to go straight to nearest McD and back to the hotel. If I have nothing to do (usually Friday night) i walked a long Champs Elysees, from Arc de Triomphe to Louvre back and forth. You could walk through Place de la Concord to Jardin des Tuileries until you reach the Louvre pyramids, or turn to rue de Rivoli and come back via Quai des Tuileries following the river banks of Seine.

There were funny things also. We ended up having dinner in an Indonesian Restaurant (the owner from Surabaya) in rue de Vaugirard where we actually wanted to go to Pigalle *rofl* Edhiem phone fell of the metro platform and he jumped down to take it while people were screaming. It was Siemens something, the most expensive phone at that time (well compare to what displayed in stores around Paris). My colleagues brought so many bread from hotel breakfast for snack and lunch because they couldn’t eat salmon steak everyday like I did. Hey, it’s big yummy salmon steak with delicious french fries and I like it. I asked nobody to eat what i eat :P And it’s only 10 Franc (or less, i forgot about it).

This September, I’ve got a chance to visit The City of Light again. Air France now has direct flight from CGK to CDG with 2 hours transit in Singapore. But i miss ANA :( The (japanese) food, the entertainment, smiles and hospitality of the cabin crew. Well, Air France is OK, but nothing special actually.

Landing at CDG around 7h, very long queue in the immigration with only 5-6 officers on duty. Took me 1 hour to pass the immigration. FYI, French immigration is well known as the “friendliest” immigration for Schengen visa holder. Try to enter via Frankfurt, you’ll be asked many questions.


long queue



CDG 2E arrival Hall

CDG 2E arrival Hall

Basically, there are 3 ways for you to get to downtown Paris:

  1. By taxi, you’ll enjoy the ride, watching the view from the suburb of CDG area until entering the classic city of Paris. But it will cost you about EUR 50 or more. I used it a decade ago so not for this time.
  2. By bus, it will cost you EUR 10, and the stop point is at Paris -Opera. There are also EUR 6 bus with stop point at Paris-Nation or Paris Gare de l’Est. Not my choice. Travel time is about 80-90 minutes and I’m not planning to wandering around Nation/Gare de l’Est with my luggage.
  3. RER B. This train will take you downtown in 30 minutes, cost EUR 9.75. I can stop at Les Halles and change to Metro 11 to take me to my AirBnb apartment. But I choose to stop at St Michel – Notre Dame instead.

The RER B station is located 1 floor below the arrival hall. It’s easy to find it, just follow Paris by Train sign. If you’re wanting to buy a simple train ticket to Paris and you have a [label style=”red”]smart chip credit card[/label] or [label style=”red”]Euro coins[/label], you can use these [label style=”green”]green Billetterie[/label] vending machines to purchase such tickets. Don’t worry, there are also vending machines where you can exchange your 5-10-20 euro notes to coins.

Paris by Train

Paris by Train


going to train station downstair


Billetterie for purchasing ticket to downtown Paris

And this is what i’ve got… vending machines are not at service. I thought there are strike from SNCF employee. Employee/labour strikes happened quite often in France. Heard some officers said that RER might not operate that day so we have to use bus. Arrghhh!!!


en service but not in service

en service but not in service

After getting your train tickets, you can continue to turn towards the train platforms which will require descending another set of escalators or stairs onto Level 1. The Paris Train platforms are marked as “Voie” (“platform”) 11 and 12 and also show “RER B Paris par Train“, the Regional Express Network trains that operate between Roissy-Charles de Gaulle and Paris city centre.

My RER was got delayed because of the incident, so i have to wait until 12h to get on the train. Such a waste of time. But finally we knew that there were accident in Le Blanc Mesnil that interrupt the RER B traffic from/to CDG2.

So, spent my lunch time around Notre Dame and rendezvous with Winstem an hour after that. I’ve managed to ‘smuggled’ packs of tea for him hehehehehe :) You wont find Teh Poci in there :P


me & winstem across Louvre

After that, me and Winstem go to 96 Rue de la Fontaine au Roi, the place where i will stay for the next 7 days. Thanks to Airbnb :)


that’s my dinner, a tripod long sized sandwich….


being a Parisian, live in a small but very nice flat & neighborhood.

Bon retour au Paris, la ville de la lumière, la ville de l’amour

These are some photos from my X100s

Perpanjangan Kartu kredit BCA yang Ga Jelas Juntrungannya

Saya adalah pelanggan kartu kredit BCA dengan nomor ***** 3009. Dan saya (mungkin juga pelanggan lain) mengalami kekecewaan yang sangat *%)@%)$%)@TD*&)GW*)&FR#) dengan card center BCA. They’re SUPER SUCKS! There I’ve said it.

Berawal dengan tidak saya terimanya kartu perpanjangan saya. Ini aneh
Saya punya CC dari bank lain, 2 minggu sebelum expired saya sudah dapat kartu ganti. Tapi CC BCA saya ga jelas.

13 Agustus 2014

  • akhirnya saya menelpon 500888 setelah mendapatkan sms & email kalo pengiriman kartu perpanjangan saya retur/gagal. WTF?!
  • Officer Cepi
  • nomor laporan 2141025513 pengiriman ulang kartu kredit. Proses disebutkan 5 hari kerja.
  • saya juga mengajukan kartu tambahan, nomor laporan 2141139660
  • disarankan untuk cek kembali tgl 26 agustus terkait dengan kartu tambahan

Screen Shot 2014-09-24 at 15.14.18

22 Agustus 2014

  • Saya dikontak Mbak Imas dari Telemarketing Unit BCA Card Center BCA KCU Matraman soal pengisian form kartu tambahan
  • Saya selesaikan hari itu juga

25 Agustus 2014

  • Resepsionis kantor menelpon saya kalo ada kurir BCA
  • ternyata kurir hanya mengirimkan BCA card dan dia ga tahu menahu soal kartu VISA utama saya.
  • Nah BCA card ajah nyampe di tangan saya, trus VISA nya kemana? Padahal BCA card ini ga guna sama sekali. Alamat pengiriman juga SAMA!

Masuk bulan September, tuh kartu visa masih ga jelas statusnya, termasuk juga kartusuplemennya. Entah sudah disetujui apa belum, dikirim apa belum. Gelap!

03 September 2014

  • kembali menelpon 50088
  • officer Rahul
  • 2140642551 rubah alamat tagihan supaya sama dengan alamat pengiriman, walo ga relevan mengingat BCA Card ajah nyampe tapi ya jaga-jaga lah. Kurir BCA kan busuk.
  • 2140642752 resend kartu – visa (yang katanya udah dikirim tanggal 20 tapi retur dan saya ga dapat sms kalo retur sama sekali. F***)
  • Diminta cek lagi maksimal tanggal 10 karena saya sudah menyampaikan tgl 8-9 saya akan ada di Bandung
  • 2140642504 pengiriman pengiriman kartu tambahan yang sebelumnya di infokan sudah dikirim per tanggal 1 atau 2 September gitu deh.

08 September 2014 22:52 kembali nelpon 500888

  • Officer Elson
  • di jawab pengiriman 14 hari kerja, officer sebelumnya pada bilang 5 hari
  • dan kalo melihat tanggal 20 dikirimkan, Elson menyampaikan seharusnya tanggal 9 akan sampai ditangan saya
  • WTF! di 2140642752 saya sudah menyebutkan saya akan di Bandung, bakal retur lagi nih. Sementara mulai tanggal 13 saya juga akan ke luar negeri. Geblek emang.
  • saya tidak diberikan/dibuatkan nomor pelaporan
  • saya juga minta info sisa semua tagihan, batalin semua cicilan kalo ada tanpa terkecuali sehingga saya bisa melunasinya dan menutup saya kartu kredit BCA yg ga jelas ini.

10 September 2014

  • saya membayar semua sisa pemakaian CC BCA saya bahkan dengan nominal yang sedikit berlebih.
  • 12:00 kembali nelpon 500800
    officer dian
  • karena kartu tambahan tidak pernah sampai padahal dibutuhkan hari itu jadi tutup saja lah. Ga guna juga nih BCA
  • nomor laporan 2140520478 tutup kartu suplemen dan Card Center BCA kemudian memprosesnya
  • jam 2 saya dapat email dari BCA “Sampai dengan saat ini kartu kredit BCA Bapak/Ibu tidak berhasil kami kirim ke alamat.” ??!!! Saya sudah konfirmasi ke resepsionis hingga satpam kantor apakah ada kurir BCA datang, dan responnya negatif semua. Entah ngelatur kemana mereka itu. Nelpon konfirmasi juga tidak!

Screen Shot 2014-09-24 at 15.14.23

  • 16:04 saya dapat SMS dari sender BCA dengan isi “Perubahan alamat yang Anda ajukan telah diproses menjadi bla bla bla bla”. WTF? perlu 7 hari buat dapat konfirmasi perubahan alamat? Brengsek banget ga? BCA Card ajah saya terima tapi yang VISA ini ga jelas juntrungannya. Busuk emang nih kartu kredit BCA

11 September 2014

  • jam 10:10 kembali nelpon 50088 karena kartu masih belum diterima
  • Officer Ase
  • Eh, ternyata cicilan belum dibatalkan. Bujuggggg, kampret banget
  • 2140504461 pembatalan cicilan dan pembayaran saya sehari sebelumnya masih belum tercatat di sana. Ampun deh

12 September 2014

  • 09:57 nelpon kembali ke 500888
  • Officer dito
  • kartu kembali ga diterima padahal saya dah harus ke luar negeri besok paginya
  • laporan 2140483858 dah kecewa saya, jadi tutup semua kartu saja lah. Ga guna juga nih BCA
  • disambungkan dengan card center officer Bastian
    • Sewaktu saya bilang mo nutup semua kartu BCA termasuk BCA card saya dijanjikan free iuran tahunan. Saya ga butuh kalo cuman free iuran tahunan. Mending disumbangkan saja tuh.
    • Dijanjikan kartu akan dikirimkan secepatnya dengan harapan minggu depannya sudah saya terima. Hallo? sudah sejak tanggal 13 Agustus saya komplain tapi ga pernah dapat kartunya, lagian besoknya juga sudah mo cabut ke luar negeri. Buat apa? Ga ada jaminan kurirnya BCA akan becus ngirim kartu tersebut juga.
    • Bastian kembali membujuk untuk membatalkan niat saya menutup kartu kredit, ya kalau saya bisa mendapatkan kartu perpanjangan hari itu saya ga akan tutup. Atau saya ingin mengambil sendiri kartu tersebut ke BCA Card Center saja toh kurirnya busuk gitu, mending ambil sendiri.
    • Entah kenapa BCA mempersulit pelanggan untuk ngambil kartunya sendiri dengan segala alasannya. Lha nunggu dikirimin ajah sebulan ga nyampe-nyampe, belum buang-buang waktu buat nelponin 5008888. Dah motong waktu kerja, makan siang, istirahat malam tuh.
    • Yang bisa ditawarkan oleh BCA adalah saya dapat mengambil kartu tersebut ke kantor cabang BCA yang saya tunjuk. Kartu suplemen yang sudah saya tutup pun dapat diaktifkan kembali. Ya sudah, saya minta keduanya supaya dikirimkan ke KCP Wisma Mulia yang lokasinya satu kompleks dengan alamat pengiriman saya dan satu gedung dengan alamat pengiriman/penagihan BCA Card sebelumnya. Saya dijanjikan dapat mengambil kartu tersebut  tanggal 24 September saat sudah berada di Indonesia kembali.
  • Jam 2 siang Bastian nelpon saya lagi untuk konfirmasi kartu ga jadi ditutup, kartu tambahan dihidupkan lagi, pengiriman akan ditujukan ke KCP Wisma Mulia dan saya bisa ambil di sana.
  • Tidak dibuatkan nomor laporan akan pengirman & pengambilan kartu ini.

24 September 2014

  • Saya datang ke KCP Wisma Mulia untuk ambil kartu hanya untuk mendapat jawaban bahwa CS di sana ga tahu menahu sama sekali soal kartu saya dan saya diminta kontak ke haloBCA saja. WTF!!!
  • jam 13:13 untuk kesekian kalinya saya nelpon 500888 sambil ngerecokin @HaloBCA di twitter.
  • CSO bernama Kristin
  • Disebutkan keluhan saya sebelumnya sudah diteruskan tanggal 16 september, dan kartu akan dikirimkan ke alamat pengiriman, yaitu ke alamat kantor saya. WTF WTF WTF!!! trus apa gunanya tgl 12 september saya dijanjikan hari ini bisa ambil di KCP. Pantas saja CS nya kebingungan.
  • dan kembali saya cuman mendapatkan nomor laporan 2140260822, laporan “akan diteruskan ke pihak terkait” yang mungkin senin depan baru proses diteruskan tadi itu akan dieksekusi. Kartunya nyampe kapan? Hanya Tuhan yang tahu, BCA nya ajah kagak pernah bisa kasih jawaban kok.
  • Kali ini ada bonus Mbak Kristin akan create email laporan terkait dengan keluhan ini. Halo, CSO-CSO lainnya ngapain kalo gitu?
  • Pengiriman diminta untuk diubah ke KCP Wisma Mulia.
  • Apakah saya akan dihubungi kalo KCP Wisma Mulia sudah menerima kartu saya? jawabannya tidak. Oooo gigi lu gondrong!!! Saya diharuskan ngontak halobca 500888 secara berkala untuk memeriksa status kartu kredit saya.
  • Saya diminta untuk cek lagi tanggal 29 September 2014. Itu bukan waktu maksimal pengiriman, tapi umur laporan 2140260822 tadi. Asem!
  • sementara itu @HaloBCA menanyakan kasus saya nomor laporan saya, nomorhp, email dll Padahal conversation twitter bisa search sendiri, aku twitter saya sudah pernah saya pakai melaporkan spamming telemarketing seharusnya ada recordnya juga.
  • 14:28 saya ditelpon 500888 menanyakan kronologis. Cuman ya sama ajah, intinya sama kaya CSO, cuman “meneruskan ke pihak” terkait dan ga ada kepastian sampai kapan saya mesti nunggu. Heran yah, mereka mestinya justru yg ngasih kronologis laporan saya dulu trus saya konfirmasi apakah sudah benar apa kagak, kan tiap telpon saya ke 500888 harusnya tercatat. Untung saja tiap komplen saya selalu nyatat. Kalo ga, pelanggan bakal cuman jadi bulan-bulanan ajah tuh. Yang satu ini makin ga jelas karena ga ada tenggat waktu ga kaya CSO 500888

Begitulah betapa *entah saya mesti pake kata apalagi untuk mengungkapkan kekesalan saya ini* kerja BCA unit Card Center dan busuknya kurir mereka. Ga punya SLA, ga punya monitoring performansi rekanan mereka (dalam hal ini kurir yang … ah ya begitu lah)

Kita lihat tanggal 29 September nanti.

Kasus lainnya

Kalo mo googling, Anda bakal nemu lebih banyak lagi.

Kesimpulan saya, kartu kredit BCA itu dipake di periode pertama saja. Periode berikutnya mending langsung ditutup saja. Oleh karena itu jangan sampai kartu kredit BCA tadi digunakan untuk pembayaran rutin seperti listrik/telpon/PAM/Internet. Mending pakai bank lain saja.


2014-09-25 10:16

Dapat telpon dari 021 3500667 mengatasnamakan kurir BCA menanyakan alamat dan anehnya lagi kok menanyakan juga nanti harus ketemu dengan siapa sewaktu pengantaran kartu. Ya dah jelas harus ketemu saya lah. Sudah 2 bulan tuh kartu ga jelas kemana dan dah sekian waktu terbuang cuman buat ngurusin ginian doang. Paling menelpon dulu atau minta resepsionis nelponin deh kalo ga punya pulsa

Jauh lebih handal kurirnya FedEx/DHL, jika tidak berhasil ketemu customer mereka akan kirim SMS pemberitahuan sehingga kita bisa menelpon untuk minta schedule pengiriman ulang atau ngambil paket di warehouse terdekat.

Satu lagi, dia juga ga bisa nyebutin tuh kartu akan dikirim kapan dan bisa saya terima kapan… BCA oh BCA…

2014-09-25 14:04

Ditelpon Mbak Khia, resepsionis kantor kalo ada kurir dari BCA yang ngantar kartu. Ajaib, setelah hampir 2 bulan + blogpost ini akhirnya kartu Batman pengganti ini saya terima juga, tinggal menunggu kartu tambahannya saja. Aneh, alamatnya kan sama,  kenapa ngirimnya ga sekalian saja ya?  */facepalm*

2014-09-26 15:20

Ditelpon kembali dari 021-3500667 untuk menanyakan apakah kartu VISA perpanjangan saya sudah diterima. Saya jawab sudah, tinggal yang suplemen yang belum. Dan ketika saya jawab tuh kartu kemana dan kapan dikirim malah ga dijawab.

Penelpon cuman mengulangi bahwa saya sudah menerima kartu VISA dan telpon ditutup.


2014-09-27 20:00

Nyobain kartu VISA BCA ini untuk transaksi bayar makan di Sushi Tei Gandaria City. Kartu ga bisa dipakai di 4 mesin EDC yang berbeda. Statusnya kalo ga salah Card Picked, Picked Card or semacamnya lah. Harusnya saya foto tuh. Untung ATM masih ada di tas.

Mungkin karena saya belum nelpon untuk aktivasi?

Tapi di amplop isi kartu itu sama sekali tidak ada instruksi apapun untuk aktivasi kartu entah itu via telpon, sms, web. Yang ada jika kartu hilang atau ingin ubah alamat, saya haru nelpon ke HaloBCA 021-500888.

Hal itu yang saya lakukan hari minggunya dan bikin saya naik pitam rasanya. Bangke emang kartu kredit BCA!!

Saya bikin postingan terpisah deh.

Managing Your Contacts with Firefox OS

Since the era of iPhone and Android, you’ll rarely heard cases about “losing contacts” because your phone was lost or just stop working. There’ll be no worry because you just need to get a new device, log in to your (gmail/apple id) account and voila! your contacts is restored. It’s so easy compare to Nokia/Blackberry era when you have to hook up your device to computer and do the manual backup as often as you can.

In this post, I will share about importing contacts from your Google account to your Firefox OS device.

1. Open your contacts app

2014-07-26-11-18-182. Click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen. I have only 1 entry in my contacts.

3. You can choose how your contacts will be displayed in order. Based on last name or first name. You can also sync with Facebook. Click on Import Contacts to start import.contact-2014-08-01-00-20-54

4. There are various sources of contact you can import from. SIM Card, Memory Card, Gmail and Outlook. I’ll use import from Gmail for this article.contact-2014-08-01-00-21-05-b

5. You need to log in to your Google account contact-2014-08-01-00-21-16

6. You need to confirm to start importing contacts from your Google Accountcontact-2014-08-01-00-22-10

7. Firefox OS is starting to look up your Google contactcontact-2014-08-01-00-22-18

8. Firefox OS will display all of contacts in your Google account. You can select which one you want to import. Of you can just simply select them all. You have to click on Import button at the top right corner yo start importing.contact-2014-08-01-00-22-43-b

9. Firefox OS is starting to import contact from your Google accountcontact-2014-08-01-00-22-53

10. Voila! You have your contacts populated in your Firefox OS device :)contact-2014-08-02-09-07-10

Exporting your contacts is a bit old school because you can only export your contacts to memory card of other devices via Bluetooth. I wish at least it can be export/copied to my Google / Mozilla account.

A Week with Firefox OS Flame

Firefox OS Flamedisclaimer:

  • I’m still using the stock version of the o/s shipped with Flame which is
  • I haven’t hook the device up to my Mac and do something with either AppManager, AppMaker or anything else

Following my previous post about unboxing Firefox OS Flame, it’s now time write a little review about the device. I was using the phone for the past week, not doing much actually. Mostly i used it for making couple of calls (voice and ussd), browsing, trying some apps, taking screenshots and photos.

So here it is.

For a very young O/S, Firefox OS has done pretty well to serve the basic, as a phone O/S. The screen is bright and nice. I hate the vibrate-when-you-press-buttons so i’ve disabled it (did it too on my G2 and Mi3). It’s somewhat different than I am used to, but seem to work fine after playing for a while. The battery is so good IMO. It can be a day phone compare to … my iPhone 5 :) You can leave the Flame unplugged overnight after some playing around with it and it just cost you about 25% of the juice. I was using it in 3G GSM mode most of the time, not yet trying to use it for tethering.

Mail is one of my must-have app. And Firefox OS mail app is doing fine. Setting up account, fetching the mail and reading and compose. Right now, you can only attach video, music or photos from your gallery or taking picture with the camera.


As photographer and heavy Instagram user, I use camera a lot. Flame’s camera is decent enough to take pictures but not by my standard. It might be unfair because I’m using iPhone’s and G2’s camera so far. Well leave the metering filter and all the fancy things, it’s nice if you can at least pick your own focus instead of the “auto focus” offered by the camera app. You’ll now what I mean when you try it.

These are some picture i took. Indoor in CGK airport. The light was enough to take pictures without adding flash. And I was surprised that online exif viewer I used said the photos were taken at f/2.6 :) My Mac’s Preview app said it’s f/2.8.

Sample of EXIF reading

These are photos taken with my iPhone 5 for comparison:

Good thing is in Firefox OS 2.0 the camera app seems to have an upgrade. Rara showed me her Flame (which’s been upgraded to 2.0 nightly) camera app can do manual focus selection. You’ll see that green square box showed up when you touch a focus area in your screen. But still. the JPEG output still need a lot of work.

Well like i said, i used the Flame for browsing. So i have nothing more to say about the browser. It’s Firefox anyway :D
I’m still using the stock apps. Camera, Messages, Facebook, Twitter and Market Place. Annoying part is when you run an ‘app’ there’s a time when you need to go back to the previous stage/screen of the app. There’s no Back button in place. Instead, there’s a tiny face down white arrow in the bottom right corner of the screen. You have to gently slide/touch it up to bring up the set of back-forward-refresh button.

I haven’t test the FM Radio yet.

The voice call is also crisp and clear. But the first major problem i’ve encountered was from the dialler app. I was filing a bug for not being able to make USSD calls using ZTE Open C with Firefox OS 1.1. Now in 1.3, the USSD feature is still buggy.

In Indonesia, USSD is the main course for operators to help their customer accessing their services. Because its menu driven view. My case was:
1. making USSD call to *888# (Telkomsel) to check my balance. OK, hung up.
2. after top up, make call to *888# again and hung up.
3. call to *363# to view the data related services offered by Telkomsel. browse along the menu, and found 1 menu taking too long to get the response. hung up
4. retry #3 and try different menu, found 1 menu too long to response. hung up.
5. retry #3 and after press call suddenly FFOS gave me session expired confirmation.
6. trying different USSD short codes, same behaviour appeared. Session expired message right after you press that green call button.

So i have to do the Blackberry way, take out the battery, wait for couple of seconds, put it back and turn the phone on. USSD back to normal. (????) :P

Once, i left the phone powered off for a whole night. When i turn it on in the morning everything looks normal. I saw the red Thundersoft splash screen followed by the blue firefox os boot up screen. But after that blank. Only a screen with that green grass background, no icons, no text, nothing. I’ve press all the buttons, slide up down left right still no changes. It went back to normal after i turned the phone off and wait for couple of seconds and turn it back on.

I also have a case when my SIM card suddenly not recognised. Back to normal after i set the airplane mode on, wait for couple of seconds and turn the airplane mode off.

Last update, when i’m writing this post, I call to *363#, choose menu #8 and then #1 to check my status, got Radio not Available. Then i enter 9, it should return incorrect keyword but i got stuck in “sending….” status instead. And it went like that for minutes until i took off the battery.


Stuck in this state for minutes until remove the battery

*yawn* That’s all i can write this time. I think FFOS 1.3 still has many issues, specially the USSD and the O/S stability. I’ll try to play it around a little longer before decide to try the FFOS 2.0 nightly.

Anyone know how to import my Google/iCloud contacts to the Firefox OS contact?

Antara BCA dan Spam Telemarketing Asuransi Rekanannya

Masih soal spam dan telemarketing.

Terkait dengan semakin maraknya telemarketing, berikut ini pengalaman saya menjadi korban telemarketing asuransi yang juga merupakan rekanan dari BCA.

Anda sekalian bisa track sendiri percakapan tweet saya dengan @HaloBCA. Tapi biar lebih mudah, transkripnya adalah sbb:


@HaloBCA tolong dong, data nasabah CC jgn disebar2 yg buntutnya jadi bahan spam call agen asuransi n sejenisnya!
2:14 PM – 30 May 2014

Halo BCA ?@HaloBCA May 30
@nurikidy Kami informasikan bahwa data nasabah bersifat rahasia & pihak BCA tidak menyebarkan pada pihak manapun, terkecuali (cont) 01 ^DK

@nurikidy ?@nurikidy May 30
@halobca lha ini barusan ditelpon 021-29264001 ngaku dari BCA nawarin commonwealth dengan tagihan dibebankan di cc

Halo BCA ?@HaloBCA May 30
@nurikidy apabila pihak tersebut bekerja sama secara resmi dengan kartu kredit BCA. 02 ^DK

@nurikidy ?@nurikidy May 30
@halobca Tolong infokan pihak mana saja yg resmi kerjasama dengan BCA supaya saya n customer lain bisa milih

Halo BCA ?@HaloBCA May 30
@nurikidy Pihak Commonwealth merupakan pihak asuransi yang bekerja sama dengan kartu kredit BCA, apabila Anda tidak berkenan (cont) 01 ^DK

Halo BCA ?@HaloBCA May 30
@nurikidy dengan asuransi yang ditawarkan, maka Anda berhak menolak, dikarenakan (cont)02 ^DK

@nurikidy ?@nurikidy May 30
@halobca saya sudah menolak sekian kali, tapi tetap saja diganggu, sudah saya blog-kan sejak tahun kemarin http://www.nurikidy.com/2013/11/11/spam-telemarketing-asuransiktakk-dll/

Halo BCA ?@HaloBCA May 30
@nurikidy Anda tidak diwajibkan mengikuti asuransi tersebut. Kami informasikan bahwa beberapa Asuransi yang bekerja sama (cont) 03 ^DK

@nurikidy ?@nurikidy May 30
@halobca dan saya jadi terganggu spam2 gini hanya karena saya nasabah cc BCA yg oleh BCA data saya dioper ke rekanannya.

@nurikidy ?@nurikidy May 30
@halobca Saya dan mungkin nasabah lain meminta BCA bilang ke rekanannya itu untuk stop nelponin. Bisa ga? Yg nyebar data kan situ

Halo BCA ?@HaloBCA May 30
@nurikidy dengan kartu kredit BCA seperti contohnya adalah Commonwealth Life ataupun Asuransi Cigna. 04 ^DK

Halo BCA ?@HaloBCA May 30
@nurikidy Utk dpt menindaklanjuti keluhan Anda, mohon berkenan follow akun twitter kami agar bs dikonfirmasi via DM. ^FN

@nurikidy ?@nurikidy May 30
@halobca lho kenapa ga publik ajah? yg terganggu ga hanya saya karena sebar2 data nasabah cc kaya gini


Halo BCA ?@HaloBCA May 30
@nurikidy Utk menindaklanjuti segala keluhan,kami membutuhkan data pribadi nasabah yg bersifat rahasia sehingga akn dikonfirmasi via DM. ^FN


Selebihnya sih dm-dm an ajah ngasih nomor hp, dan email.
Dan ga pakai lama, petugas BCA menghubungi saya via email untuk konfirmasi keluhan saya dan menanyakan beberapa informasi tambahan yaitu:
– Nomor kartu kredit / Nomor customer
– Kapan dan sekitar pukul berapa Bapak/Ibu dihubungi oleh pihak asuransi tersebut
– Detail permasalahan yang Bapak/Ibu alami
– Nomor telepon Bapak/Ibu yang dapat dihubungi

Setelah saya balas dengan informasi tambahan seperlunya, saya mendapatkan konfirmasi lagi. Dan sampai sekarang saya tidak/belum pernah mendapatkan telpon telemarketing lagi yang mengatasnamakan BCA atau rekanannya. Yah semoga sih.

Terima kasih banyak BCA

Tapi perhatikan statement:
Kami informasikan bahwa data nasabah bersifat rahasia & pihak BCA tidak menyebarkan pada pihak manapun, terkecuali (cont) 01 ^DK
@nurikidy apabila pihak tersebut bekerja sama secara resmi dengan kartu kredit BCA. 02 ^DK

Sudah jelas-jelas emang bank (dalam hal ini BCA) yang bocorin data kita ke rekanannya…. semprul!!
Ada di antara kalian yang menandatangai form yang menyatakan data kalian bersedia untuk disebar-sebar ke pihak ke-3,4,5,6,7,8 dah seterusya? Saya rasa ga ada.

Ini baru BCA, dan hebatnya respon mereka bagus sekali. Nah bagaimana dengan bank-bank penerbit kartu kredit lainnya? Selama ini sih keluhan saya ga ada responnya apalagi ditindak lanjuti. Biyuh…



Unboxing Firefox OS Flame

At MozSummit 2013, me and a fellow developer from France asked (or maybe complaint :P) at Chris Heilmann class about the difficulties on getting Firefox OS device. Sometimes simulator is not enough. You need to test your functions, your app in a real device to get the feel and to get to know that it will actually work.

At that time, only Geeksphone selling Keon and Peak to open market. But they seemed to be unable to fulfil the developers’s enthusiasm to get the device. They’re just small company anyway (we’re talking about Samsung, Huawei class of manufacture :P).

Meanwhile, device makers like ZTE/Alcatel only sell the device as part of operator’s bundling program. You need to have contract with the operator (other friends said you must be a citizen of the country where the carrier operates). Even at last MWC Barcelona where Mozilla has a big booth there we couldn’t buy any devices. They were for display and testing only :P

So when I read Asa Dotzler (Director of Firefox OS Participation at Mozilla) post at hacks.mozilla.org that we could pre-order Firefox OS Flame device from everbuying.com for about USD 170. I didn’t think twice. Paid my order on May 28, and got the device in my hand last Friday :)

So, Firefox OS Flame is the reference phone and considered as the flagship of Firefox OS powered device. It’s not a super high end phone, but it is higher end than any of the previous devices such as Geeksphone Keon, ZTE Open C for example. It’s got dual sim cards, front and rear cameras, adjustable memory, etc.

It’s unlock and this is the specs:

  • Qualcomm MSM8210 Snapdragon, 1.2GHZ Dual core processor
  • 4.5” screen (FWVGA 854×480 pixels)
  • Cameras: Rear: 5MP with auto-focus and flash / Front: 2MP
  • Frequency: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz
  • UMTS 850/900/1900/2100MHz
  • 8GB memory, MicroSD slot
  • 256MB – 1GB RAM (adjustable by developer)
  • A-GPS, NFC
  • Dual SIM Support
  • Battery capacity: 1,800 mAh
  • WiFi: 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 3.0, Micro USB

I’ll try to use it for a couple of days during mudik and make review of it :)

DHL charged me IDR 281,000 for tax and handling, but i heard Andi @belutz has to pay IDR 400,000. Is it right, Ndi?