

these are some photos of Danbo & friends i made using my iPhone + things around my desk
the theme is Five For Fighting’s song with title “Superman (It’s Not Easy)”

been carrying danbo (literally) everywhere for about … 3-4 years (^_^)
i hope i’ll be more creative and able to produce more stunning danbo photos :)



i cant stand to fly....
I can’t stand to fly

I'm not that Naive
I’m not that naïve
I’m just out to find
The better part of me

I’m more than a bird,
I’m more than a plane
I’m more than some pretty face beside a train
It’s not easy to be me

I wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
‘Bout a home I’ll never see

I'm not that Naive
It may sound absurd but don’t be naïve
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed but won’t you concede
Even Heroes have the right to dream
And it’s not easy to be me

Up, up and away, away from me
Well, it’s alright
You can all sleep sound tonight
I’m not crazy or anything

I can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naïve
Men weren’t meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I’m only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
I'm not that Naive
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me, inside of me [2x]

I’m only a man in a funny red sheet
I’m only a man looking for her dream
I’m only a man in a funny red sheet
It’s not easy.
It’s not easy to be me…..

it's not easy, to be me .....



ok, why Superman?

Well it’s because i just watched Superman: Man of Steel  at IMAX Gandaria City :P
Sorry Ip for using your picture profile, what can be better than that? :P hehehehehe

Life Lessons: Bob and Pink Tutu

There are things around us that we can learn from.
The life lesson that could make us better person and hopefully can bring better life to other person

This guy is crazy for some people, do you think so?
What lesson you can learn from him?

I hope i can be like him,
not wishing people i love diagnosed having cancer and then I’ll be wearing pink tutu
But be the spirit, be a little light, bring happiness for them. A little is enough

Furthermore, is always being there whenever they need it, even if they think they don’t.


You can red the story of Bob and his pink tutu here

Happy Sweet 17, Tamagotchi


Once upon a time in the 90s, there was Tamagotchi and it was a big hit.
Many of my friends (specially girls) were crazy about it.

And couple days ago, this egg-shaped virtual pet key chain celebrating its 17th birthday.

Yea 17 years old game device and I still don’t know what make this key chain so exciting. Same as when people playing the similar thing in Facebook (Pet Society?)

Oh, it even has an app…


Bandai said to be releasing new Tamagotchi line to celebrate its 17years birthday called Tamagotchi Friends. You will still take care your pet in the same way with additional new chars. And when 2 Tamagotchi bumped each other there will be some interaction game between pets.

I don’t have a clue because when talking about Bandai, first things in my mind is Gundam :P

Anyway, happy sweet 17 Tamagotchi :)


-all images are from bandai-asia.com

Membuat iPhone dan iPod Touch kamu jadi Motion-Based Music Instrument

AUUG Motion Synth

The Motion Synth: Turn Movement into Music

Awal 2012 lalu saya berkesempatan sharing di acara bertajuk Wikufest.
Saat itu saya coba highlight apa yang bisa kita gunakan dari ponsel, barang yang saat ini bisa dibilang selalu ada di jangkauan kita.

Kunci-nya sih app.
Contoh yang saya berikan waktu itu di antaranya pemanfaatan ponsel untuk bisnis VAS, monitoring status mobil, main musik juga buat militer :)

Nah sekarang ini ga cuman app ajah yang memaksimalkan potensi sebuah smartphone. Tapi ada hardware-hardware pendukung yang jadi komplementasinya. Pernah dengar atau tahu aksesoris fitnes bernama Nike FuelBand atau Jawbone app? Rekan kerja di kantor sih keranjingan hacking bikin drone, trus kontrol via android device.

Nah berikut ini berkaitan dengan musik. iOS device + musik sebetulnya kombinasi yang sudah umum, namun perangkat satu ini sangat unik (saat ini).

Namanya  AUUG Motion Synth.
Ini adalah sebuah project di kickstarter yang cita-citanya mengubah iPhone/iPod Touch kamu jadi sebuah instrumen musik yang baru dan cukup unik. Kamu bisa memainkan nada maupun menggubah suara cukup dengan gerakan tangan saja (motion).



Selain itu AUUG juga bisa mengontrol software di komputer kamu secara wireless. Di juha bisa mengontrol perangkat-perangkat musik non-wireless lewat kabel MIDI. Kompatibel dengan iPhone 4s++ dan iPod Touch generasi 5 dan setelahnya.

Lihat video berikut dan silakan meluncur ajah ke http://www.auug.com/

Yang baru dari Instagram

instagram-windowsphoneapp-iconMinggu kemarin (2013-11-20) dilansir dari blog Instagram, akhirnya aplikasi berbagi foto populer ini tersedia juga untuk para pengguna Windows Phone. Hal ini tentu akan meningkatkan user base Instagram dengan cukup signifikan. Perlu dicatat bahwa per 9 September 2013, total active user Instagram sudah mencapai 150 juta.

Instagram app di Windows Phone Marketplace ini masih versi beta. Jadi siap-siap ajah bakal ada banyak update setelahnya. Kalo ga salah saat ini fitur video di Instagram Windows app ini belum tersedia. Walau begitu, dengan diluncurkannya Nokia Lumia 1020, Instagram kayanya emang dioptimalkan untuk ponsel-ponsel dengan kamera kualitas tinggi seperti ini.

Nah selanjutnya apa?
Instagram for Blackberry? yea rite in your dream…

Rumor yang lagi santer sih kalo Instagram akan mempunyai fitur private instant messaging (bisa untuk grup juga katanya). Fitur ini dikabarkan akan siap di bulan Desember nanti. Wah, pas ulang tahun saya nih :)

Nah we’ll see…
Bisa saingan dengan Snapchat nih (dalam kapasitas keunikannya masing-masing)

If You Could Only See

just a little flashback from karaoke night at #mozsummit 2013 #santaclara

If you could only see the way she loves me 
Then maybe you would understand 
Why I feel this way about our love 
And what I must do
If you could only see how blue her eyes can be when she says ...
When she says she loves me
 Well you got your reasons 
 And you got your lies 
 And you got your manipulations 
 They cut me down to size 
 Sayin' you love but you don't 
 You give your love but you won't
 **back to reff**
 Seems the road less traveled 
 Show's happiness unraveled 
 And you got to take a little dirt 
 To keep what you love 
 That's what you gotta do 
 Sayin' you love but you don't 
 You give your love but you won't 
 You're stretching out your arms to something that's just not there 
 Sayin' you love where you stand 
 Give your heart when you can
 **back to reff**
 Sayin' you love but you don't 
 You give your love but you won't 
 Sayin' you love where you stand 
 Give your heart when you can
 **back to reff**

Clarke’s Charcoal Broiler, Mountain View

since 1945, august?

since 1945, august?

Do you know that place?
It’s near the Mozilla Office at Mountain View and i can tell you the burger is so good.


It’s not a big place, rather basic IMO, yah but cozy enough for us. They have set of menu with plenty of choices.
When I asked, the waitress couldn’t give me any recommendations. Well, maybe because of queue line behind me or it is like many people said about the Service at Clarke’s is 1 star where the food is 4.

It’s getting dark, we’re hungry and i didn’t want to be late at the hostel again. We had a flight to catch the next day. So i just pick something that ‘save’ for me to eat.

A burger with chicken (forgot the name) + french fries + a bottle of strawberry juice. After my order served up, i went to (tiny) condiments bar. Put BBQ sauce, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, and a little bit of mayo on it.
For me who knew only franchise burgers (Wendy’s, A&W, McD-KFC, BK) it was [highlight]de-li-ci-ous[/highlight] :)
Getting a charcoal grilled burger at an old school burger joint, that’s a real burger IMO :)

We’re lucky it was not their busy hour. The review about the service is not that good during the busy time :)
You better selective about when you wanna go there :)

Getting a charcoal grilled burger at an old school burger joint at US, checked
Trying in & out burger, missed. Nah, it’s just another McD/BK style of burger.
Trying hotdog at a hotdog stall/joint at US, missed. Should’ve had one at Pier 39.
Having home made udon at a traditional udon restaurant at Japan, checked

615 W El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 967-0851