Missed day-14 posting ontime due to #DWP14phoria :P
Speaking about #DWP14, i’d like to share with you a song which has been played by several DJs. Not being played as much as Calvin Harris’s or AvB’s Ping Pong but i do love this one.
Title is Nobody To Love performed by British duo, Sigma. It’s the Sigma original version, the one played in DWP14 is I believe the Third Party Remix version.
So, enjoy :)
ahaha, om JJ managed to snap a picture of me with Indonesian flag :)
I know you’re tired of loving, of loving With nobody to love, nobody, nobody So just grab somebody, no leaving this party With nobody to love, nobody, nobody
I know you’re tired of loving, of loving With nobody to love, nobody, nobody So just grab somebody, no leaving this party With nobody to love, nobody, nobody
I know you’re tired of loving, of loving With nobody to love, nobody, nobody So just grab somebody, no leaving this party With nobody to love, nobody, nobody
I know you’re tired of loving, of loving With nobody to love, nobody, nobody So just grab somebody, no leaving this party With nobody to love, nobody, nobody
3 Desember, #DWP14 hari ke-2. Cuacanya hari ini bersahabat banget, ga ada hujan sama sekali. Tapi selama menuju JIExpo macetnya cukup menyebalkan. Hehehehe, sepertinya penduduk Jakarta dan sekitarnya berlomba-lomba ke mall untuk berburu diskon di akhir minggu terakhir sebelum Natal yah? :)
#DWP14 Sabtu ini cukup berat karena banyak jadwal bentrok dan saya harus milih salah satu saja kalau memang mo benar-benar menikmati.
Alhasil saya kepaksa skip Mathew Koma demi kakak-kakak Nervo dari Australia ini. Demi mengamankan spot front row nonton Nervo, saya juga mengorbankan Winky. Sebelumnya sih karena ngarep Kaskade akan tampil, tapi ya udahlah walo gantinya Yasmin & Dipha Barus.
Niat mantengin Nicky Romero akhir saya ganti nonton Adventure Club + Blasterjaxx n cukup selamat dari semprot2an cat itu mengingat X100s saya cukup rentan ma liquid :P
yea, life in colours
my setup for #dwp14 d2 (without the pole)
But it’s a 2 days awesome getaway from whatever problem you’re having for the past days, right? And one of my fave pop song “A Sky Full of Stars” has been played several time by those big name DJs :)
I don’t care, go on and tear me apart I don’t care if you do ‘Cause in a sky, cause in a sky full of stars I think I saw you
Yea, the night sky is cloudy but it full of stars for me
Today i’ve parted my self with my iPhone5 completely :)
No big deal, I’m just planning to sell it. Now i’m switching back using my LG G2, temporarily (planning to sell it also :P).
12th day of Desember is the first day of #DWP14 Djakarta Warehouse Project.
And my LG G2 is a perfect companion for that with it’s OIS lens and good capability of lowlight. At somepoint, it beats my iPhone5 :)
And here it is, some sample shots I took using LG G2 at #DWP14.
@FrontRowFlagID #FRFID Where are you guys? Sorry i was going straight to Garudha after finish warming up with AVVE in Cosmic Station :P
AVVE, i’ll catch you later at 20th and hopefully also at 24th Dec yah :) *tendang tendang JJ kalo sampe gw ga boleh moto stage*
Selamat Ulang Tahun, Kaka’ Annisa
one more candle to blow
one more wish to say
but a lot of fun to play
(just keep the office things out of the party :p)
10th day of december, and 2014 is also 10th years of Firefox. Therefor this post will tell you a bit about Firefox OS, the mobile phone O/S from Mozilla.
I’m thinking of using FFx OS phone as my primary daily phone.
Am i nuts? FFx OS is entry level ‘smartphone’ that wont be match with my level now.
No, I’m serious. I mean if i want to know the true power of Firefox OS phone, i should start using it in daily basis. Sure, spec-wise it’s far beyond my iPhone 5 and LG G2 (and I’m planning to sell both of them) in many ways. But in basic daily need, I think it could serve me enough.
It’s out of the box basic features of a cellphone. Plus i can import my Google account contacts easily. Bad news, it can’t do sync back with my Google account. So i have to set up manually email and calendar. That’s all
Internet browsing
We have Firefox browser in a Firefox OS phone, what do you need more?
Setting up Google calendar is easy. Setting up my company exchange calendar is painful. Haven’t success so far, but i’ll try to figure out later.
I can connect to my company email service using ActiveSync and for now it’s more than enough to support my work :) Samething with my gmail account.
No, no, no Danbo. We dont use a pen to compose an email :)
Instant Messaging
This is very challenging, not to mention typing in this phone is kind of suck for me. And thank God all my contacts that i’ve been in touch with inside and outside office are having Line and WhatsApp account, not only stuck in BBM. Line is by default pre-installed in my Flame phone. So no problem.
What about WhatsApp?
There is an application in Firefox OS Marketplace called Connect2A. ConnectA2 is a third-party app and is not affiliated with WhatsApp. It is still in its early stages so having some bugs in the app is expected. I tried to register, put the code from the SMS sent by whatsapp but no luck.
Telegram is working fine.
You can also try Loqui IM, it’s a messaging client for multiple services. You can connect to WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc.
Too bad this app is not so responsive at first, so kind of frustrating also. I’m using WiFi connection, i cannot imaging if i have to use 2/3G network to use this app. But after a few close-open app, i can manage to use the facebook messenger services. No luck with whatsapp, same sms validation issue like Connect2A. Yah i think there are some issue with WhatsApp API.
Cloud Service
Hmm, no Google Drive/Dropbox client, no Evernote. I think i still need to bring my iPad to do the advance task.
Now let’s talk about “[button url=”http://” style=”green”]entertainment[/button]”
For me? forget it. For you who just need a snapshot photo, this phone is doing enough. Just to force your self to use Flame in low light condition :) So no instagram, snapseed, vsco and any image editing app suit my need. I’ll use them in my iPad. There is Aviary for simple casual image editing
Haven’t try it yet. I need to buy memory card and put some of my songs inside.
It has very simple interface but works like a charm, just put your headset and tune to your fave radio channel :)
hmm, just notice that my earphone is red and my headset also red
I wont play any video using this phone. It wont meet my viewing standard :P But again, this phone is doing enough for you. Dont expect more. You can enjoy YouTube using their native app for Firefox OS
Social Media
You have Twitter + Facebook app but couldn’t find Path app available at the moment :) Pinterest app is optimized for Firefox OS and has additional features implemented, such as sharing pins via the Firefox share button
I need to make sure WhatsApp and Microsoft Exchange Calendar to be fully working before making full switch to this phone.
One more thing, it hurst my wrist when using the keyboard interface. Somehow iPhone’s keyboard and Swiftkey are the best one for me.
Di hari ke-9 ini saya memilih topik soal “Long Exposure”
Saya bisa dibilang cukup jarang ngambil foto long exposure, lebih karena masalah meluangkan waktu saja sih. Motret light panning di jalanan Jakarta sebenarnya asyik juga kok :)
Cita-cita saya adalah motret bintang, star trail dengan kumpulan bintang bima sakti. Tahun depan berencana ke Semeru, semoga keturutan moto bintangnya. Selanjutnya adalah motret aurora, semoga ada kesempatan untuk traveling ke skandinavia dan bisa dapat foto aurora-nya :)
Foto di atas diambil dari daerah Cambell’s Cove seberang Sydney Opera House. Exposure time 30 detik, eh pas ada kapal lewat. Tapi efek light trail nya membuat seakan Opera House nya bergerak ala di film-film hehehehe. Not bad :)
Yang berikut ini standar foto kembang api, hand held *tangan pegel kabeh*.
Next time, bring a tripod. Small one is more than enough :)
This is Bo Bruce performing the original song ‘Alive’
Taken from her debut album, ‘Before I Sleep’. You might be more familiar with the remix version made by Gareth Emery called “U”
Ga berasa #DWP2014 tinggal hitungan hari lagi. Belajar dari tahun kemarin yang mayan terganggu hujan, kali ini acaranya bakal dilaksanakan indoor selama 2 hari 12-13 Desember 2014.
Biyuh, ga kebayang deh tuh bakal uyel-uyelan kaya gimana :(
Anyway, sudahkah kalian menukarkan e-ticket voucher dengan gelang seperti punya si Danbo ini? Penukaran sudah bisa dilakukan mulai 8 – 11 Desember jam 11 siang sampe 9 malam di area Piazza Gandaria City yah. Itu lho sampingnya Pizza e Birra.
We’ll be there in 2 days straight, so we hope to have a chance to meet you guys :)
Nah hal-hal apa saja yang perlu diperhatikan di #DWP14 nanti?
This is how you do it in #DWP14
charged your energy
download DWP app
wear fun attire or costume if you wanna go WILD!
connect your wristband to your fave Social Media
dont forget to bring your valid ID
also bring ENOUGH CASH! dont expect electronic transaction will always be success
come early, you have more time to meet friends, make friends, selfies and find your fave spots
off course bring your party friends
get HYDRATED and keep on DANCING
take a lot of pictures, upload it and dont forget with #DWP14 tag.
Ah, satu hal terkait dengan Life in Color. You know that this is the first in Asia, right?
bring extra clothes and towel
life in color paints wash off skin easily with water kok :)
wear white to get the most crazy effect
and whetever you’re wearing it should be ok getting painted.
There’ll be charging zone in #DWP14, so dont worry your gadget will be run out juice. Bring all the charger you have :)
Line up & Venue
Jumat, 12 Desember 2014
Hari Jum’at kami akan di Garudha Land :)
Sabtu, 13 Desember 2014
Sabtu nih yang berat. Sepertinya kami akan mengejar Mathew Koma dulu baru balik ke Garudha Land