Liverpool FC at Jakarta, Training Day

“Dream come true…”

That’s all me and any liverpudlian in Indonesia could say for the past week.
Liverpool FC was coming to Indonesia and played a match againts Indonesia Selection team.

I remember last time i have to chased them to Malaysia just to watch them play when LFC has their Asia Tour on 2011. I envy people who has chance to have photos with the player and even worst (IN MY F*** MIND) was + having their autograph!!!!

I hope LFC will have pre season tour again in Asia, coz i’ll be there!

My next wish list is attending derby Liverpool vs Everton at Anfield. Still don’t know when, but i’ve been saving from last year :)

Here are some photos from the training day, 19 July 2013.
I’ll upload the match day photos on separated post.

Pssst, Nikon Bikin Smartphone


Sebentar, kalau Samsung -> kamera … fine. Sebagai raksasa elektronik, selain bikin kulkas-ac-tv-stereo system, Samsung sudah lama bikin kamera poket. Jadi kalau mereka bikin mirrorless ILC disuntik Android kayanya ga heboh-heboh banget. Sony did that also.

Lha kalo Nikon? Gimana ceritanya?

Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa pasar kamere poket a.k.a point-shoot dah mulai menurun, or might be dying even for the mighty Nikon. Semuanya pada kegerus oleh tingkat pertumbahan camera-phone yang sangat-sangat dratis naiknya.

0650603bd58144c6af1133cc6c6aa319_6Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Bloomberg, Presdir Nikon Makoto Kimura menyampaikan
“Jumlah orang yang mengambil foto meningkat sangat tajam seiring pertumbuhan penggunaan smartphone yang tahu kemarin diperkirakan terjual 750 juta unit. Dan angka itu terus bertambah.”

Menurut Camera & Imaging Products Association di Tokyo, penjualan kamera poket secara global pada bulan Mei ini turun hingga 48% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya, sementara SLR 6%. Dan Nikon sendiri cukup merasakan akibatnya karena menurut proyeksi mereka, pasar kamera poket mereka akan mengalami penurunan sebanyak 12% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya.

Kalau lihat di JPC Kemang, Nikon Coolpix sendiri dijual mulai harga 800-ribuan lho.

Sementara itu lihat saja spesifikasi Nokia Lumia 1020. PureView 41 MP sensor dengan Optical Image Stabilization (OIS), lensa Zeiss lengkap dengan Xenon Flash bahkan LED untuk rekam video.

“Pertumbuhan mobile devices yang sangat cepat telah merubah lingkungan bisnis kami,” kata Kimura. “Langkah ke depan kami adalah untuk menemukan jawaban atas tantangan ini.”

Terkait dengan hal di atas Kimura menambahkan “Kami ingin menciptakan produk yang akan mengubah konsep kamera. Ini bisa menjadi produk non-camera-consumer.”. Kalimat yang cukup menggoda buat digosipin walau Kimura menyangkal bahwa Nikon sedang membuat sebuah smartphone.

Jadi, bakal seperti apa senjata rahasia dari Nikon ini?
Beneran ga Nikon bakal bikin smartphone? Semoga sih penampilannya ga bikin ilfil kaya Galaxy S4 Zoom :)



Happy Birthday 07-07

once upon a time at #r41…

Happy Birthday, Tika :P

“So, the card should be like this, add that, bla bla bla”

“No, it has to be like this bla bla bla”


Let’s do the Danbo way…

Happy Birthday, Tika :P


wait… heavy beard?!

Happy Birthday, Tika :P

“You spelt it wrong, IDIOT!!”

Happy Birthday, Tika :P

“Now do it MY WAY!!”

Happy Birthday, Tika :P

“Bee Do Bee Do, make no more mistake! Bee Do Bee Do !”

“Shut Up!!”


Happy Birthday, Tika :P

“Happy birthday Tikaaaaaaaaa”

wait.. i think there’s something not right in that picture…

tika_20130708142040-arrgghhWell, what Domo did after that is not appropriate to put in here….

as seen on…

Food Through My Phone

Jakarta hujan, ga bisa pulang cepat deh.

Selain  karena ga punya jas hujan (hehehhe :P) juga kondisi jalanan yang sedang licin-licinnya

Jadi yah iseng-iseng ajah postin blog foto-foto ginian. Pokoknya tentang gituan deh :P

Kantin Pariwisata

Nah ini warung pecel di kompleks kementrian pariwisata seberang City Plasa

hamachi sashimi

Ini Hamachi Sashimi di warung sushi lantai dasar City Plasa ^_^

salmon teriyaki

salmon teriyaki, masih di warung sushi sama seperti foto di atas

tako sushi & salmon sashimi

ini di Sushigroove Gran Indonesia. Mengecewakan banget sushi sashiminya ga kaya sebelum-sebelumnya. Kepalan shari-nya sih gedean, tapi neta nya tipis buanget. Kalo kamu pesan tuna/salmon nigiri, wah bisa kelihatan tuh shari-nya

pecel - iwak pindang

my mom used to cook me this. simple and healthy :) semoga saya masih bisa pulang mudik tahun ini n merasakan nikmatnya makanan ibu.



Mendadak laper berat….

Jakarta Night Festival 2013

What is it all about?

So, to celebrate Jakarta’s 486th anniversary (June 22), the capital city will held several major events.
From annual event like Jakarta Great Sale, Jakarta Fair, Jakarnaval, Abang None beauty pageant and introduce new event called Jakarta Night Festival.

Jakarta Night Festival (JNF) itself is not actually new. Jokowi-Ahok introduced it on new year eve 2012-2013 as Jakarta Car Free Night. There was also similar event called as Malam Muda Mudi in the Ali Sadikin era.

During JNF, Sudirman-Thamrin-Monas was closed down from 6pm to midnight (some said until 2am). There were stages along the road from Slank, Jamrud, Steven & The Coconut Trees, Jazz – Dangdut – Blues – campursari – disco and also keroncong :)

Main stage was at Monas area where OVJ performed as well as Kotak and Bondan & Fade2Black.

These are some photos taken with my iPhone5…

Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting # yawn and smile

Say hi to Attila Atilla.

Born at 8 of June 2013, son of Papa Nugi and Mama Golda. These pictures were taken when he’s 2 days old.

hi, my name is Atilla
Hi, my name is Attila Atilla
yoroshiku onegaishimasu, minna :)

A Fleeting moment can be as simple as enjoying the (first) yawn & smile of a new born baby, imagining how peaceful the world be.

People said I look like my Daddy
i have my daddy's spiky hair style
i have my daddy’s spiky hair style
Oh, I'm on camera,  Smileeeee to Uncle Nuy ^_^
Oh, I’m on camera
Smileeeee to Uncle @nurikidy ^_^

New soul has arrived and it might be our turn to depart.

And these are some photos i took couple weeks before to welcome Attila :)