Picasa for Mac, akhirnya…

Saya adalah seorang pengguna Picasa, sebuah perangkat lunak dari Google untuk organizing dan editing file-file foto yang ada di komputer kita. Selama ini Picasa hanya bekerja di sistem operasi Windows dan kemudian dapat berjalan pula di Linux (via WINE). Sayangnya Picasa versi Mac waktu itu belum ada. Ini yang jadi agak menyusahkan saya sebagai pengguna Mac (pindahan dari Windows & Linux sebelumnya :P). Walaupun sebenarnya ada sih plugin untuk iPhoto yang dapat membantu kita untuk upload foto-foto digital kita ke Picasa Web Album (PWA).

Nah, sekarang pada Mac users yang juga pengguna Picasa dapat bernafas lega. Tanggal 5/1/2009 kemarin Google telah mengumumkan bahwa versi Beta dari Picasa for Mac telah dapat di download dan digunakan. Picasa ini dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk iPhoto-nya Mac.
Picasa for Mac Beta
(Credit: Google)


[Linux] Merge Multiple PDF Files Into One File

I’m using Linux Mint on my Dell GX260 desktop. It’s another Linux distro based on (and compatible with) Ubuntu Linux. Therefore this installation tutorial might be more suitable for you who’s using Ubuntu and anyother distro based on it. But overall, you can install the package on any Linux distro you’re using now.

1. Install Ghostscript  (PostScript and PDF language interpreter and pre‐viewer), use command:

# sudo apt-get install gs

sudo apt-get install gs

2. Install PDFtk (A handy tool for manipulating PDF), using command:

# sudo apt-get install pdftk

sudo apt-get install pdftk

3. run the command line

Merge 2 files (or more) into one file:
pdftk doc_1.pdf doc_2.pdf doc_3.pdf cat output doc_combined_123.pdf


Other Commands:

Using Handles:
pdftk A=doc_1.pdf B=doc_2.pdf cat A B output doc_combined_12.pdf

Using Wildcards:
pdftk *.pdf cat output doc_combined.pdf

Split Selected Pages from Multiple PDFs into one new PDF file:
pdftk A=one.pdf B=two.pdf cat A1-7 B1-5 A8 output combined.pdf

Encrypt a PDF using default 128-Bit Strength and Withhold All Permissions:
pdftk mydoc.pdf output encrypted_doc.128.pdf owner_pw your_password_here

Same as Above, Except a Password is Required to Open the PDF:
pdftk mydoc.pdf output encrypted_doc.128.pdf owner_pw blablabla user_pw helloworld

Same as Above, Except Printing is Allowed (after the PDF is Open):
pdftk mydoc.pdf output encrypted_doc.128.pdf owner_pw blablabla user_pw helloworld allow printing

pdftk encrypted_doc.pdf input_pw helloworld output decrypted_doc.pdf

Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC

 Anyone (specially Nikon users) have ever use Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC? I have and I’m satisfied with it.

So, what is about this lens anyway?

  • Large Maximum Aperture of F1.4
  • The most appropriate coating for digital SLR cameras
  • Two SLD (Special Low Dispersion) glass elements and an hybrid aspherical lens, provides the utmost correction for all types of aberrations
  • Equipped with HSM (Hyper Sonic Motor) system. IT WORKS for Nikon D40/D40x/D60 for autofocus

I bought it because i want to have a big aperture lens to shoot in low light. My D40x kit lens (18-55mm) was way out of it. Buying Nikkor 50mm/f1.8 or 1.4 also not an option because it cant do autofocus in my D40x. Well, then I found this Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC.

With 1.5x crop factor sensor of my D40x (now D80), at 30mm it becomes a 45mm lens equivalent. So this lens is perfect to shoot for street photography and general shots. I tried to shot the lens wide open at f/1.4. This lens puts a new spin to street photography at night WITHOUT a tripod. At f/1.4, image quality in very low light conditions with a minimum shutter speed of 1/30 and an ISO setting of 800 or higher – made some pretty nice images.

When you stop down to about f/1.8 to f/2 under low light conditions, the image quality just seems to improve and sharpness and detail improves. Under normal lighting conditions, this lens seems to be sharpest at f/4 – f/5.6.

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BlackBerry Curve 8310

 I was just lucky when receiving this Blackberry device as a "doorprize". But what else can i say? I’m not an "email" guy. I need highspeed internet connection. Therefor, I need my laptop/mac to connect to a 3G/HSDPA modem and too bad it’s not provided by this Crimson Red Curve. I bought my self a Huawei E220 later on :)

This BB is now keep staying inside the box, never been used. I’m thinking for selling it.
I wish I will get a Bold someday … :P


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Telkomsel Blackberry Prepaid #2

Untuk cara berlangganan, cara berhenti berlangganan, fitur-fitur silakan lihat dan baca sendiri di sini. (http://nuy.nurikidy.com/2008/05/16/telkomsel-prepaid-blackberry-internet-service/)

Nah, dari postingan saya terdahulu sepertinya banyak yang ingin pakai Blacberry atau sok pake Blackberry tapi ga tau Blackberry itu sendiri apa. Ada yang nyolot sok nyalahin operator karena dia daftar langganan layanan Blackberry tapi berusaha MENGGUNAKAN BLACKBERRY DI NOKIA N73. Plis deh, oon kok piara.

Saya bukan atau belum menjadi pengguna Blackberry. Dan untuk menghindari stupid silly action seperti contoh di atas, saya coba bikin tulisan singkat mengenai Blackberry deh. Yang expert, pengguna akut Blackberry yang ingin Semoga bermanfaat.

Apa itu Blackberry?
BlackBerry (selanjutnya disingsebenarnya sebuah solusi wireless yang komprehensif untuk orang-orang yang selalu mobile dan mempunyai ketergantungan tinggi dengan email. Well, pada prakteknya kalo di Indonesia seperti yang saya amati pemakainya tergantung dengan kemampuan text messagingnya sih :P Lewat email maupun messenger (Yahoo, BB Chat).
Nah dengan BB ini para pemakainya bisa membuat, membaca, membalas, menghapus email kita dari manapun. Sepanjang kita terjangkau oleh jaringan GPRS operator tempat kita berlangganan. Emailnya dapat berupa email kantor kita (Blackberry Enterprise Service), ataupun email biasa seperti Yahoo atau Gmail (Blackberry Internet Service). Jelasnya silakan hubungi operator penyedia layanan Blackberry favorit Anda.
Intinya, device BB menawarkan layanan push e-mail, telpon, SMS, internet faxing, web browsing dan layanan informasi berbasis wireless lainnya (termasuk MMS juga yah?) Di dalamnya termasuk juga aplikasi-aplikasi yang biasanya ada di PDA (address book, calendar, to-do lists, dll)

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All About Telkomsel Flash

Telkomsel Flash

Saya adalah pengguna Telkomsel Flash time based. Pake henpon Nokia N73 ajah sih, belom sudah punya modem USB nya. Yang jelas saya sudah sukses nyobain Telkomsel Flash di Windows dengan Huawei E220 + ZTE MF3xx (express card), di Leopard sukses pake Huawei E220.

Saat ini saya masih belum sukses nyobain modem ZTE MF622 punya Indosat. Nah kebetulan punya kolega di ZTE, jadi minta tolong ke dia untuk unlock tuh modem biar bisa digunakan pake simcard GSM manapun :P Jadi biar saya bisa nyoba lagi dengan simcard simPATI saya sendiri :)

Nah ada yang mo sharing soal SETTING/KONFIGURASI koneksi Flash dengan modem dan O/S pilihan masing-masing? Bisa email atau taruh link di comment box deh :) Kalo soal network quality jangan komplain ke saya yah. Terus terang saya ga bisa bantu heheheheh tapi kali-kali ajah ada officer Telkomsel yang berkompeten dengan layanan tersebut yang mantengin blog saya ini (seperti halnya telkomsel blackberry prepaid)

Huawei E220 vs ZTE MF622

Huawei E220 vs ZTE MF622

E220 Flash di atas adalah punya si Derry, akhirnya saya beli sendiri. Keluaran ‘Yes’ Optus Australia. And so far ga ada masalah. Punya Derry standar 3.6mbps, yang optus 7.2mbps

Installing MySQL for Python on Mac OSX Leopard

Yesterday, I have a sudden request from sysadmins group to make a web data presentation from their OVO data. I’ve already had some kind of template for the web apps using CodeIgniter based framework. The only “work” to do now is how to get, process and displaying the data from raw. It’s gonna be supplied via text file.

So, I came up with an idea to use Python to do collection, conversion and inserting into database :P Ya ya ya, I actually I just wanna try to learn Python and use it in a production environment :D So, it’s gonna be my first Python application hehehehehe.

My yukiyanagi (MB403LL/A MacBook) is already equipped with Python 2.5.1. Done with file checking, reading, parsing etc. It’s now time to put all parsed data into database.
What you need to do are:

  1. Download MySQL from dev.mysql.com/downloads and install it as instructed in the documentation.
  2. Download and extract the MySQL for Pythom from sourceforge.net. I’m using MySQL-python-1.2.2.tar.gz
  3. Open Terminal and go to the directory where MySQL-python-1.2.2.tar.gz was unpacked to.
  4. It’s better to delete build/ directory, just in case your installation might be interfered with any previous builds
  5. edit file site.cfg, and edit the value of mysql_config to the correct PATH where your mysql_config reside. Mine is:

    # The path to mysql_config.
    # Only use this if mysql_config is not on your PATH, or you have some weird
    # setup that requires it.
    mysql_config = /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config

  6. After that, run the build and installation script.

    python setup.py build
    python setup.py install

During “python setup.py build”, you might have some problem here like I did. It seems that there is an extra ‘mysql’ in the path that the shared object looks for the .dylib. You may get an error like this:

ImportError: dlopen(./_mysql.so, 2): Library not loaded: /usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient_r.15.dylib

Referenced from: ./_mysql.so
Reason: image not found

The solution is by making a symlink from /usr/local/mysql/lib to /usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql

cd /usr/local/mysql/lib
ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib mysql

Another error which might be occured is gcc related like the picture below:
MySQL for Python installation error

Line 47 of /usr/local/mysql/include/mysql.h is:

#include <sys/types.h>

Line 93 (and 93) of /usr/include/sys/types.h is:

typedef unsigned short ushort; /* Sys V compatibility */
typedef unsigned int uint; /* Sys V compatibility */

All you need to do is comment those 2 lines (dont forget to make the backup first)
and do the “python setup.py build”.
Voila! Everything will be running well.