A Week with Firefox OS Flame

Firefox OS Flamedisclaimer:

  • I’m still using the stock version of the o/s shipped with Flame which is
  • I haven’t hook the device up to my Mac and do something with either AppManager, AppMaker or anything else

Following my previous post about unboxing Firefox OS Flame, it’s now time write a little review about the device. I was using the phone for the past week, not doing much actually. Mostly i used it for making couple of calls (voice and ussd), browsing, trying some apps, taking screenshots and photos.

So here it is.

For a very young O/S, Firefox OS has done pretty well to serve the basic, as a phone O/S. The screen is bright and nice. I hate the vibrate-when-you-press-buttons so i’ve disabled it (did it too on my G2 and Mi3). It’s somewhat different than I am used to, but seem to work fine after playing for a while. The battery is so good IMO. It can be a day phone compare to … my iPhone 5 :) You can leave the Flame unplugged overnight after some playing around with it and it just cost you about 25% of the juice. I was using it in 3G GSM mode most of the time, not yet trying to use it for tethering.

Mail is one of my must-have app. And Firefox OS mail app is doing fine. Setting up account, fetching the mail and reading and compose. Right now, you can only attach video, music or photos from your gallery or taking picture with the camera.


As photographer and heavy Instagram user, I use camera a lot. Flame’s camera is decent enough to take pictures but not by my standard. It might be unfair because I’m using iPhone’s and G2’s camera so far. Well leave the metering filter and all the fancy things, it’s nice if you can at least pick your own focus instead of the “auto focus” offered by the camera app. You’ll now what I mean when you try it.

These are some picture i took. Indoor in CGK airport. The light was enough to take pictures without adding flash. And I was surprised that online exif viewer I used said the photos were taken at f/2.6 :) My Mac’s Preview app said it’s f/2.8.

Sample of EXIF reading

These are photos taken with my iPhone 5 for comparison:

Good thing is in Firefox OS 2.0 the camera app seems to have an upgrade. Rara showed me her Flame (which’s been upgraded to 2.0 nightly) camera app can do manual focus selection. You’ll see that green square box showed up when you touch a focus area in your screen. But still. the JPEG output still need a lot of work.

Well like i said, i used the Flame for browsing. So i have nothing more to say about the browser. It’s Firefox anyway :D
I’m still using the stock apps. Camera, Messages, Facebook, Twitter and Market Place. Annoying part is when you run an ‘app’ there’s a time when you need to go back to the previous stage/screen of the app. There’s no Back button in place. Instead, there’s a tiny face down white arrow in the bottom right corner of the screen. You have to gently slide/touch it up to bring up the set of back-forward-refresh button.

I haven’t test the FM Radio yet.

The voice call is also crisp and clear. But the first major problem i’ve encountered was from the dialler app. I was filing a bug for not being able to make USSD calls using ZTE Open C with Firefox OS 1.1. Now in 1.3, the USSD feature is still buggy.

In Indonesia, USSD is the main course for operators to help their customer accessing their services. Because its menu driven view. My case was:
1. making USSD call to *888# (Telkomsel) to check my balance. OK, hung up.
2. after top up, make call to *888# again and hung up.
3. call to *363# to view the data related services offered by Telkomsel. browse along the menu, and found 1 menu taking too long to get the response. hung up
4. retry #3 and try different menu, found 1 menu too long to response. hung up.
5. retry #3 and after press call suddenly FFOS gave me session expired confirmation.
6. trying different USSD short codes, same behaviour appeared. Session expired message right after you press that green call button.

So i have to do the Blackberry way, take out the battery, wait for couple of seconds, put it back and turn the phone on. USSD back to normal. (????) :P

Once, i left the phone powered off for a whole night. When i turn it on in the morning everything looks normal. I saw the red Thundersoft splash screen followed by the blue firefox os boot up screen. But after that blank. Only a screen with that green grass background, no icons, no text, nothing. I’ve press all the buttons, slide up down left right still no changes. It went back to normal after i turned the phone off and wait for couple of seconds and turn it back on.

I also have a case when my SIM card suddenly not recognised. Back to normal after i set the airplane mode on, wait for couple of seconds and turn the airplane mode off.

Last update, when i’m writing this post, I call to *363#, choose menu #8 and then #1 to check my status, got Radio not Available. Then i enter 9, it should return incorrect keyword but i got stuck in “sending….” status instead. And it went like that for minutes until i took off the battery.


Stuck in this state for minutes until remove the battery

*yawn* That’s all i can write this time. I think FFOS 1.3 still has many issues, specially the USSD and the O/S stability. I’ll try to play it around a little longer before decide to try the FFOS 2.0 nightly.

Anyone know how to import my Google/iCloud contacts to the Firefox OS contact?

Mania Selfie? Buy Sony

Ada kabar gembira buat kita semua.

Bukan, bukan, bukan, ini bukan soal ekstrak kulit manggis
Jangan khawatir, berita ini buat mereka yang narsis penggemar foto selfie.

Menurut rumor yang dilansir dari XperiaBlog.net serta postingan twitter dari akun @sonyxperia, pabrikan ponsel asal Jepang ini akan meluncurkan produk ponsel baru yang ditujukan untuk para selfie mania tersebut.

Ada 2 produk kalo mengacu pada akun @sonyxperia.


Nah, produk yang dimaksud ini sepertinya masih belum diumumkan secara resmi. Tapi diperkirakan serinya adalah ponsel Sony Xperia C3 berbasis Android. Dilengkapi dengan front-facing camera yang punya LED flash sendiri, batere berkapasitas 2500 mAh Nah, front flash ini adalah fitur penting buat para selfie mania :) Resolusi kamera depan yang lebih tinggi juga sangat diharapkan sih. Saat ini rata-rata resolusi kamera depan berkisar antara 1.2 – 5 MP

Kalo ini sepertinya mengacu ke SmartBand Wrist Strap SWR110, seri baru penerus SWR100. Dan SWR110 harganya justru jauh lebih murah (£24.99) dibandingkan SWR100 (£79.99). Selain buat heal track, bisa buat remote ponsel selfie-nya :P


Buat @yullyosugara yang kemarin-kemarin sempat nanya-nanya soal ponsel ma kamera selfie, mending beli ini ajah kali yah :D

Pssst, Nikon Bikin Smartphone


Sebentar, kalau Samsung -> kamera … fine. Sebagai raksasa elektronik, selain bikin kulkas-ac-tv-stereo system, Samsung sudah lama bikin kamera poket. Jadi kalau mereka bikin mirrorless ILC disuntik Android kayanya ga heboh-heboh banget. Sony did that also.

Lha kalo Nikon? Gimana ceritanya?

Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa pasar kamere poket a.k.a point-shoot dah mulai menurun, or might be dying even for the mighty Nikon. Semuanya pada kegerus oleh tingkat pertumbahan camera-phone yang sangat-sangat dratis naiknya.

0650603bd58144c6af1133cc6c6aa319_6Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Bloomberg, Presdir Nikon Makoto Kimura menyampaikan
“Jumlah orang yang mengambil foto meningkat sangat tajam seiring pertumbuhan penggunaan smartphone yang tahu kemarin diperkirakan terjual 750 juta unit. Dan angka itu terus bertambah.”

Menurut Camera & Imaging Products Association di Tokyo, penjualan kamera poket secara global pada bulan Mei ini turun hingga 48% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya, sementara SLR 6%. Dan Nikon sendiri cukup merasakan akibatnya karena menurut proyeksi mereka, pasar kamera poket mereka akan mengalami penurunan sebanyak 12% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya.

Kalau lihat di JPC Kemang, Nikon Coolpix sendiri dijual mulai harga 800-ribuan lho.

Sementara itu lihat saja spesifikasi Nokia Lumia 1020. PureView 41 MP sensor dengan Optical Image Stabilization (OIS), lensa Zeiss lengkap dengan Xenon Flash bahkan LED untuk rekam video.

“Pertumbuhan mobile devices yang sangat cepat telah merubah lingkungan bisnis kami,” kata Kimura. “Langkah ke depan kami adalah untuk menemukan jawaban atas tantangan ini.”

Terkait dengan hal di atas Kimura menambahkan “Kami ingin menciptakan produk yang akan mengubah konsep kamera. Ini bisa menjadi produk non-camera-consumer.”. Kalimat yang cukup menggoda buat digosipin walau Kimura menyangkal bahwa Nikon sedang membuat sebuah smartphone.

Jadi, bakal seperti apa senjata rahasia dari Nikon ini?
Beneran ga Nikon bakal bikin smartphone? Semoga sih penampilannya ga bikin ilfil kaya Galaxy S4 Zoom :)



Hello World, Nikon D800

Finally, the long-awaited moment is arrived.
Nikon D800 telah resmi diumumkan oleh Nikon. Yayyyyyy

Nikon D800 (depan - pcworld)

Dimulai dengan berita-berita dari nikonroumours.com sejak tengah tahun 2011 kemarin, pertanyaan mengenai pengganti kamera Nikon D3s/D300s/D700 sudah banyak merebak.
Contohnya link berikut ini:
August 24th: Nikon D700 and D3s successors (nikonrumours.com)

dan masih banyak lagi, tinggal ikutin saja tag d800 di nikonrumours.com yah

Nah, penerus keluarga full frame D3 sudah muncul bulan kemarin, Nikon D4 setelah sebelumnya Canon memperkenalkan Canon EOS 1Dx.
Penerus D300s, which is supposed to be D400? Masih velum ada kabar.
Nah, 7 Februari kemarin Nikon merilis berita mengenai flasgship kamera full frame dia yang kedua untuk tahun ini yaitu Nikon D800/D800E yang nota bene adalah penerus Nikon D700.

Nikon D800 (atas, pcworld)

Saya sendiri sebenarnya berminat dengan D700, sayang di Jakarta sudah susah nyarinya (terutama yang garansi Alta Nikindo). Padahal budget sudah disiapkan dan D90 tersayang juga sudah berpindah tangan. Karena saya sudah punya Sony NEX-5n untuk yang APS-C, target berikutnya emang full frame.

Yah apa daya D700 termasuk jajaran seri yang tidak diprosuksi lagi oleh Nikon (discontinue) termasuk D90. Ga heran sih, karena di Amerika sendiri D700 sudah out of stock sejak Q4 2001.

Dan sesuai dengan rumor, spek D800 inipun cukup wow. Mulai dari 36.3 megapixel (RAW Fx), 15.4 megapixel kalo mode DX. ISO 100 – 6400 yang bisa extend hingga 25,600. Saya sendiri sangat puas dengan kemampuan high ISO D700 yang saya gunakan waktu memotret Java Rocking Land 2001 (dan tentunya The Cranberries) kemarin.

Fitur-fitur yang ditawarkan D800 antara lain:

  • 36.3-megapixel FX-format CMOS sensor
  • 91,000-pixel RGB Matrix Metering System
  • Advanced scene recognition system
  • 51-point AF system (15 cross-type sensors)
  • Multiple AF modes (e.g., normal, wide area, face tracking, and subject tracking)
  • Full HD 1080p video, with full manual control and uncompressed HDMI output
  • ISO 100 to 6400 (50 to 25600 expanded)
  • Shooting in different aspect ratios (e.g., 5:4)
  • In-camera High Dynamic Range (HDR) image capture
  • 3.2-inch, 921,000-dot LCD monitor with automatic brightness control
  • HDMI port (8 bit, 4:2:2)
  • Dedicated headphone jack
  • Audio output level adjustment (30 steps)
  • High-fidelity audio recording control (levels set and monitored on LCD)
  • Stereo microphone jack
  • 4 fps continuous shooting (6 fps in DX mode using the optional battery pack)
  • USB 3.0 support

Nikon D800 bakal mask pasar sekitar bulan Maret dengan harga kisaran $2,999.95 (body only), sedangkan D800E akan meluncur pertengahan April dengan harga $3,300 (body only).

Duh, sepertinya saya harus berpikir ulang nih. Yang jelas mesti nabung tambahan lagi $1000 kalo pingin D800 ini. Dan begitu masuk Indonesia nanti ga tahu deh harganya jadi IDR berapa. Biyuh …. *pegangin akal*


Nikon D800 (belakang, pcworld)

Berikut ini contoh foto-foto hasil D800. Foto-foto ini adalah hasil ulasan dari situs gottabemobile.com

Nikon D800

Nikon D800, ISO 640, f4.5, 1/200 sec., AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II (Click for High Res D800 Sample)

Detil dari foto portrait di atas setelah 100% zoom

100% Crop of Nikon D800 Sample Image

100% Crop of Nikon D800 Sample Image
