#mudik the series 2013, Etape 2

Senin, 5 Agustus 2013, escape Jawa Tengah

Setelah selesai beristirahat sejenak di ret area km 226 Tol Palikanci, kami melanjutkan perjalanan kembali. Jam 8 pagi dan cuaca waktu itu lumayan mendung. Berdasarkan informasi baik itu dari internet, radio maupun pembicaraan beberapa pemudik lainnya akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk keluar di exit Kanci. Exit Pejagan supayanya lumayan stuck, sedangkan kontur jalanan tol Pejagan tahu sendiri deh kualitasnya kaya gimana. Dengan satu sekrup menancap di ban depan, kayanya riskan sekali kalo harus lewat sana. Yah hitung-hitung sekalian nyari tukang tambal ban yang buka sih.

Keluar tol langsung disambut kecelakaan. Seorang pemotor sedang tergeletak di seberang jalan, rupanya disruduk bis yang berhenti beberapa meter setelahnya (pas di tukang tambal ban). Yah kami skip tambal ban ini karena terlalu rame orang menolong dan melihat kecelakaan tersebut.

Secara umum kondisi kota Cirebon bisa sepi sekali jalanan. Kita jadinya yah nyantai-nyantai saja (gara-gara sekrup itu sih, otherwise we could drive in turbo mode :P) Saking lancarnya kami ga merasa kalo dah melewati exit pejagan. Dan kemudian masuk ke area telor asin kombo brambang. Welcome to Brebes. Dan jalanan ‘ancur’ pun mulai menyambut kami. Duh kasihan nih si Akane. Arus lalu lintas pun mulai padat mengingat hari itu adalah jam sibuk warga sekitar beraktivitas plus kondisi jalanan yang buruk.

suasana km 226
Suasana Cirebon, sepi
Kondisi jalan di Brebes….
Seperti biasa, banyak sign-board lucu-lucu di sepanjang perjalanan. Termasuk di bodi truk :P

Ga banyak yang bisa saya ceritain di sini. Overall Brebes-Tegal-Pemalang cukup lancar. Tersendat di beberapa titik karena yah melewati pusat aktivitas warga seperti pasar, kompleks pertokoan dan sejenisnya. Kemudian kami kejebak macet lumayan parah sewaktu baru masuk Pekalongan. Setelah itu lancar sampai kendal. Hal serupa terjadi juga mulai terminal Mangkang hingga masuk ke tol Jatingaleh. Tol terbilang sepi, jadi mayan nekat speeding buat memotong waktu (iya iya, sekrup masih menancap di ban mobil).

Nah mendekati exit tol tanjung mas, @rara79 mulai ribut dengan waze-nya . Oh iya so far kami memanfaatkan google maps + waze, padahal literally tanpa petapun kita ga akan nyasar kalo lewat pantura sih. Rara bilang saya kelewatan exit tol, sementara saya yakin exit tolnya justru masih di depan. Penunjuk jalanpun mengesyahkan pendapat saya tersebut he he he. Seperti biasa, exit Tangjungmas langsung menyusuri Jalan Raya Semarang – Demak. Sementara @rara79 sibuk berantem dengan Waze yang memaksa kami untuk melalui rute Purwodadi Blora-Bojonegoro, rute yang cukup memberikan pengalaman buruk tahun kemarin. Selepas Demakpun si Waze ngeyel nyuruh kami balik kembali ke arah Purwodadi. Buset dah.

Masuk Tegal Kota Bahari
Somehow, arah ke Cirebon yang macet
Sate Subali – Batang

Jadi ya turn off Waze and just enjoy the road. Demak sampai Pati lancar Jaya, sampai Juwana jalanan mulai rada-rada offroad. Menyusuri Lasem jalanan kembali bersabahat, tapi setelah itu ampun deh gusti. Mulai dari Kragan (Release The Kragan!!!! *akhirnya @rara79 bisa bikin lawakan :P*) sampai masuk Jenu-Tuban kondisi jalanan bikin ketar-ketir mobil rendah seperti Ford Fiesta ini. Jadi ngiri dengan rombongan depan yang menggunakan Everest dan Navara. Bahkan masuk Tuban kota pun kondisi jalanan masih bergelombang. Perasaan tahun kemarin ga sehancur itu deh kondisi jalanan di Tuban.

Keluar kota Tuban kondisi jalanan membaik dan kosong. Si Akane pun bisa mode Turbo sampe exit Gempol. *fiuh* sampai rumah pas tengah malam dan langsung terkapar kecapekan. Alhamdulillah semuanya lumayan lancar, mengingat tahun 2012 kemarin saya butuh 52 jam dari Jakarta sampai Malang :)

Met lebaran semuanya…

ps: oh iya, tuh sekrup belum diurusin sampe saya bangun tidur esok harinya :P

This Is What It Feels Like …


“This Is What It Feels Like”
(feat. Trevor Guthrie)

Nobody here knocking at my door
The sound of silence I can’t take anymore
Nobody ringing my telephone now
Oh how I miss such a beautiful sound

And I don’t even know how I survive
I won’t make it to the shore without your light
No I don’t even know if I’m alive
Oh, oh, oh without you now
This is what it feels like

Nothing to hold but the memories and frames
Oh they remind me of the battle I face
without your love, without you I drown
Somebody save me I’m going down

And I don’t even know how I survive
I won’t make it to the shore without your light
No I don’t even know if I’m alive
Oh, oh, oh without you now
This is what it feels like

And I don’t even know how I survive
I won’t make it down the road with one headlight
No I don’t even know if I’m alive
Oh, oh, oh without you now
This is what it feels like

Make Every Seconds Count

Hi there, it’s me again. I had no idea what to write today, so how about talking your weekend?

Some of you might gone in vacation. It’s a long weekend in Indonesia, would be better to spent it on a happy trip with your friends and family isn’t it? ^_^

Or watching the new Star Trek movie perhaps?


Well, today I sent my car to have a body repair. You’ll have a big chance to get fucked up in Jakarta’s awful traffic *one of the worst in south east asia* And it’s my car’s turn this time. Seriously, with every shitty things i’ve got so far, i’d be so glad knocking that f*** driver’s head with a wrench and smile.

So, i’ll be car-less for few weeks but that’s fine. I haven’t drive it much anyway. Still got my bike and now i wonder why i bought that car in the first place :P Too soon. I mean first although odometer record 8000km, i drove it my self less than 1500km. Second, last couple weeks i just knew that i might have another car *hey, it’s a compliment of what i’ve been doing last decade* :D That’s ok, somebody else might need it, so it’s still useful.

Like I said, traffic in Jakarta and its suburb are the worst in the country. Stuck more than one hour just to get out from Bintaro. Another 2 hours to get back to Bintaro from the car workshop because your taxi driver just wont listen to take the route you chose (/facepalm)

akane's wound

1 wound out of 3 :(

Poor Man GPRS :P

Poor Man GPRS :P

Poor Man GPRS :P

Poor Man GPRS :P


My friend Charlie’s car

I’m lucky compare to him :P


Charlie’s car at the workshop

2 more days to finish

Spent almost the entire evening on the bed to get my head better. Lampard finally broke his club record today. His to goals on 1-2 victory over Aston Villa make him Chelsea’s all-time highest scorer. 203 goals so far, surpassing former Chelsea striker Bobby Tambling’s long-standing club record. Not a Chelsea fan, but Lampard is surely awesome. Congratulation, Frankie.

Frank Lampard of Chesea

Frank Lampard of Chesea

Watching again Jake Gyllenhaal’s source code on HBO and always caught by this dialog

Colter Stevens: what would you do if you knew you had less than one minute to live?
Chistina Warren: I’d make those seconds count


That’s where this blog post title came from.

Well I never knew how much i’ve got so better to always make it count. Be helpful for others. Make more people happy.

Got my first maternity photo session tomorrow morning. Hope result will be good and pleased the couple. That will make 2 (+1 in the future) more people happy :)

*sigh* another sleepless midnight passed..

So, what is your weekend about?