Thanks to Axwell & Ingrosso for closing their set with my fave track at #DWP15 day #1
Tag Archives: Indonesia
Mozilla Webmaker Party – Jakarta 2015
Trying to re-create the tracks I’ve played at Mozilla Webmaker Party at Jakarta last September. The sound system in the Artotel is not so good as expected, but i hope everybody enjoy the night :)
#MozBelajar Part 1 & 2
So, what is #MozBelajar?
#MozBelajar is series of events held by Mozilla Reps and Mozillians in Indonesia to introduce The Mozilla Projects to the community as well as conduct knowledge sharing workshops with them.
In the last 2 series, we had workshop about WebMaker, a Mozilla project dedicated to helping you create something amazing on the web. For example, we can learn about how to create a webpage from scratch or remix it from the existing one. We can also make videos in simple and easy way using images we have or again remix it from other web contents. The tools (X-Ray Googles, Thimble, Popcorn Maker), events and teaching guides allow webmakers to not only create the content that makes the web great, but — perhaps more importantly — understand how the web works.
You dont need to be that nerdy geek to make a webpage. Just go with the flow (a lil bit concentration will be helpful) and feel the fun :)
These are some pictures i took from #MozBelajar 2 which was held last July 19th, 2014 in Jakarta. Many thanks to @rendy and for providing us the place and bandwidth :)
#MozBelajar Part 2 Photo Gallery
This is a video from #MozBelajar 1 & 2 compiled by Yofie Setiawan
another post about #MozBelajar part 2:
Apple Live Chat Support … Speechless…
Last week I have very funny experience with Apple Live Chat Support. My iPhone 5 is having problem with the sleep/lock button (as well as many others, i think iphone4 users also having same experience but with the home button) and perhaps because of that the front camera also acting weird. It ‘crashed’ the camera app whenever you witch from rear to front camera.
Being an Apple iPhone user in Indonesia is sucks at some point. There’s no Apple Store here. What I’ve done was digging any info I can get first, then contact the apple support. I just want to know their opinion about the problem I had and ask for the Apple authorized service center.
And this all I’ve got. The officer in charge told me to GO TO an address New South Wales AUSTRALIA while I’ve explained in the first time that i live at INDONESIA. Based on the ‘zipcode’ it just 15.6km away. (*@^(!*($)%!%)$)
- I said I live in Jakarta – Indonesia
- Apple give me address in Australia
- I made correction and explain again where I live
- Apple insist giving me address somewhere in Australia
- and giving me apple australia URL for me to check the address
- /facepalm
Apple oh apple…. speechless…
Maybe because Indonesia and Australis is next to each other, an address in NSW is all I’ve got. Otherwise I might get an address in South Africa or Boston for example where my zipcode can be used also to locate a store :)
A View of Déjà vu
[Photo] Lenka Live at Jakarta 2013 Part 05
And finally the last one, 5th part of the series :) *Pheww*
Lenka teased the audience by saying that “When We Grow Old” will be the last song that night. And she did. After finishing the song and say goodbye, Lenka went to backstage. People start screaming ask for more songs. The Show hasnt played yet.
He he he, Lenka back to the stage with her cute smile and sing “Dangerous and Sweet“. Together with the X Factor finalist, Lenka closed the night with her hit song “The Show“.
Thank you Lenka for such a wonderful cheerful and entertaining concert. We’ll wait for you 3rd album and hopefully your next concert in Indonesia :)
When We Grow Old / Dangerous and Sweet / The Show
[Photo] Lenka Live at Jakarta 2013 Part 04
In this concert, Lenka singing 2 songs from Bruno Mars (Locked Out of Heaven) duet with Shena X Factor Indonesia and Foster The People (Pumped Up Kicks).
She’s also sing the Everything at Once together with NuDi, Novita Dewi and Fatin.
Lock Out of Heaven