Got a Doodle!

According to wikipedia, a doodle is an unfocused or unconcious drawing made while a person’s attention is otherwise occupied. Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be abstract shapes.

Stereotypical examples of doodling are found in school notebooks, often in the margins, drawn by students daydreaming or losing interest during class. Other common examples of doodling are produced during long telephone conversations if a pen and paper are available.

Popular kinds of doodles include cartoon versions of teachers or companions in a school, famous TV or comic characters, invented fictional beings, landscapes, geometric shapes and patterns, textures, banners with legends, and animations made by drawing a scene sequence in various pages of a book or notebook.

And I got a doodle made by Mindha, my junior from SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Malang. Thanks Mindha :)

fb_mindha_doodle thumb

Yayyyyyy, awesome isn’t it?

She’s so good at making doodle.

Ok, I see Domo there. I’ll make you one, Danbo :)

#WikuFest2013 – After Effect

WikuFest 2013 telah berakhir 2 Februari 2013 kemarin. Sebagian mungkin merasa masih kurang, beberapa mungkin ngedumel, tapi yang jelas semuanya heboh. Lebih heboh dari tahun kemarin. Dan per 2 Februari 2013 kemarin itu pula, WikuFest diresmikan sebagai kegiatan tahunan SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Malang.

Dari penyelenggara, kami masih punya banyak catatan.

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Yang paling berasa adalah 2 kelas awal di hari pertama setelah keynote speaker. Acara ini dipastikan molor karena harus menunggu pihak-pihak tertentu untuk dapat tiba tepat waktu. And being on the venue at 7.00pm is difficult for some people, even for some of us the alumni :P

Waktu 1 jam akan dirasa kurang bagi keynote speaker, tapi lebihnya pun nanti juga jangan banyak-banyak amat. Since this year keynote speaker is way much better than last year, nobody complain about the additional time. Yang ada mungkin adik-adik peserta bakal protes kalo keynote speechnya dipotong ditengah jalan :)

Dan yang terkena efek adalah 2 kelas setelahnya. 1 jam tetap jadi kendala waktu yang harus dicukup-cukupkan. Makanya tahun kemarin saya senang karena kebagian kelas setelah jam makan siang (walaupun tantangan juga sih keep the audience awake after lunch :P). Tapi kali ini saya dapat kelas pertama. Dan waktu normal sudah kepotong hampir 45 menit dari timeplan yang hanya 1 jam. Alhasil, ya… seadanya. Jangankan 1 jam, 45menit kayanya juga ga nyampe. Mana pesertanya banyak yang saya kenal, dan sebagian sudah pernah lihat raw material presentasinya. Harapannya mungkin mereka pingin liat hasil akhirnya, cuman there’s no time left. In my standard, kelas pertama ini gagal total. Saya mohon maaf buat Via, Bibim, Tika, Ichal dan adik-adik lainnya yah *menjura*

Tahun depan, kami mungkin mencoba combo 1 kelas saja + games menjelang sholat Jum’at untuk sesi setelah keynote speaker.

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Materi maupun pembicara tahun ini lebih beragam karena banyak yang bukan alumni. Contoh saja Wahyu Liz, Mozilla Indonesia, Dondy Bappedyanto. Yang masih berasa kurang apanya? Antusiasme adik-adik di kelas sepertinya kurang explosif. Semangat foto-fotonya yang super heboh :P Yah ini bisa jadi kembali ke kami para presenter sih gimana bawain materi. Juga kami para panitia karena dibanding tahun kemarin sepertinya tahun ini waktunya mepet banget buat adik-adik lihat ‘kisi-kisi’ isi materi para pembicara, mengira-ngira isinya tentang apa untuk kemudian rebutan milih kelas. Well, semoga sih bagian mengira-ngira tadi masih sempat dilakukan supaya dapat gambaran apa yang akan ditanyakan di kelas nanti.

Come on guys, u dont have to pay for asking questions. In some cases, you’ll get some souvenirs just by asking questions :P Sesi mentor meet-up kalo saya ngerasa (ini pendapat pribadi sebagai tukang poto keliling nomaden yg buntutnya lupa kalo harus ikutan meetup juga) agak ‘sepi’ dibanding tahun kemarin. Yang saya alami sih tahun kemarin sampe harus blingsatan jawab karena pertanyaan justru bermunculan pas mentor meetup. Sampai beberapa hari setelahnyapun sms, whatsapp, email, sampai facebook chat juga rame pertanyaan :)

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Banyak nemu adik-adik yang punya side story unik-unik. Ada yang nerusin K-San ma Oton soal design, ada yang udah kelihatan bakal jadi aprentice-nya Denny Key. Ada yang kayanya semangat jadi artis, tapi lom tau artis apa. Ada beberapa yang mungkin boleh buat seriusin dunia modelling *getok Sofian Hadi, aku melu moto-moto po’o. butuh ekskul nih :P* Ada yang hobi ikutan lomba dan hobi menang juga. Ada juga yang masih galau soal langkah berikutnya setelah lulus.

Like I said in my previous post, there are so many diamonds in this place. Some of them start shining, some of them need to be polished.

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The rest of the story is …. I can say, or we all can say it’s a big success!!

Semua bisa melihat sendiri, mulai Bapak-Ibu Guru, adik-adik peserta maupun panitia, para pembicara yang sudah 2x ikut (termasuk panitianya) yang bisa bandingin dengan tahun kemarin. Bahkan sosial media pun juga turut sumbang suara. Paling ga, anak-anak Mozilla Indonesia dah mulai kena after effect-nya :P Betul begitu Vik? He He He He

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Sepertinya tahun depan ada beberapa brand yang berminat untuk join #WikuFest. Tapi harapan saya sih brand-brand tersebut at the end bukan jualan produk. Kalo pribadi sih pinginnya lebih banyak anak-anak komunitas yang bisa join. Tahun ini alhamdulillah sukses bisa minta waktu anak-anak Mozilla Indonesia, next mungkin anak-anak Linux, FreeBSD, Photography atau komunitas-komunitas menarik lainnya. Karena saya pribadi belajar banyak dengan join komunitas, dan harapannya adik-adik di kampus Moklet akan melakukan hal yang sama. Dunia ga hanya sebatas tembok di kampus di Jalan Danau Ranau itu saja.

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Harapan pribadi sih, jangan eksklusif.

Life is about learning and sharing. Kita semua bisa seperti ini karena belajar (learn) dan ada yang mo ngajarin (share). Mau otodidak juga tetap ada porsi share-nya. Dengan 2 hal tadi kita akan berkembang dan hopefully bisa bawa lingkungan sekitar berkembang juga. If you’re good at one or few thigs, share. Try to make people around you at least as good as you. By doing that, you’ll be one step a head of them because you’ll always need new things to be shared later.

And WikuFest itself, IMHO, after all is about learning and sharing.

Sampai jumpa di WikuFest selanjutnya.

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Road To WikuFest 2013

Life is about learning and sharing. It’s an endless cycle to make you better, in my opinion. And for the next 7 hours, i’m honoured to be part of Wikusama Festival (WikuFest) again.
This is my second year in a row :P

It’s a sharing session (we call it like that) from alumni of SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Malang (like me) along with some guest speakers from industry to our junior.

There are so many topics in this event. Starting from technical workshop like class from Mozilla Indonesia, cloud computing, enterpreneurship up until life wisdom. My class will talk about social media. It’s a fun session (i hope so) talking about what is social media and what it can do for you other than being narcist :P

My last year presentation was talking about how to utilize something that most people carry everywhere everytime… mobile devices. My point is to dig the creativity with everything around you.

only at WikuFest 2013

only at WikuFest 2013

We’d like to say very big thanks to Himawan Nugroho who’s willing to spare some of his busy time for helping us in this year event. And finally we met in person after years join in the same mailing list :P

Thanks also to Mozilla Indonesia for participating in this event. I heard that you guys want to make your own event, am i right? Please put my almamater in first priority if -whatever it is- held in Malang.

Ichal always talking about wanna go overseas, well bro I can say there is one of many doors open for you. Try to be an active and dedicated Mozilla Reps ^_^ Malang does not have any currently.

Yollo, who’s crazy about Agnes Monica, you have Denny K class. You’ve got one of my korg nano already. It’s up to you now :P

And Ghea, well I think she’s on the right track. Good example for my presentation :) Lucky that Benny and Rara are here this year. 2 good example of (Indonesian) people who does right with social media. Ben, please let her stay on the ground. No tower nor dementor involved please *rofl*

And I’m sure there are still so many diamonds unpolished. I hope we can help a little to make ’em shine.

So, Who will go home smiling with one of this?

some toys giveaway…

Of course only the lucky WikuFest2013 participant. Good luck ^_^

“What if i’m not WikuFest participant?”
Well, that’s your problem, not mine :)

FINALLY, i can eat pangsit mie again after years drooling for this one *nyammm*

Pangsit Mie!!!

This is my fave food during my childhood. Since I went home to Malang mostly on Lebaran, I couldn’t find it because there’s no one selling it during the holiday :(

Geez, I do really need to sleep properly….